Happy New Year!! 2020 has been a pretty relentless and turbulent year – and a lot has happened. Here at EGU headquarters (currently spread across our staff’s several homes) we all know how much we owe to you, our members, followers and friends, this year, through all the highs and the lows. We honestly could not have made it through without our wonderful community – and yo ...[Read More]
Why is research in Antarctica so important?
On the 1st December 1959 the Antarctic Treaty was signed by 12 nations, setting aside nearly 10% of the Earth “forever to be used exclusively for peaceful purposes… in the interests of all mankind.” In the years that followed more and more countries signed the agreement, until today when the agreement has been signed by 54 countries around the globe. In 2010, the Foundation for ...[Read More]
GeoPolicy: Proposed cuts to EU science funding could slow future research and innovation
As a European scientific union with over 20,000 members, the EGU is well positioned to provide feedback on the current and future state of research and innovation funding in Europe. The recent cuts to the EU’s 2021-2027 research budget from European Parliament’s initial proposal of €120 billion to the current proposal of €81 billion (at 2018 prices), will not only affect researchers througho ...[Read More]
Earth Science Week 2020: Earth Materials in Our Lives – an A-Z!
Since 1998 the American Geosciences Institute has been running an annual celebration of all things geoscience – Earth Science Week. From its inception, Earth Science Week has grown in popularity and is now celebrated across the planet. This year Earth Science Week will run from 11 to 17 October and the theme of the week is “Earth Materials in Our Lives.” As the American Geoscien ...[Read More]