
Regular Features

Imaggeo On Monday: Comb through the mysteries of Comb Ridge, Utah

Imaggeo On Monday: Comb through the mysteries of Comb Ridge, Utah

Scientists have combed through the mysteries offered by this ridge for a long time. This is an aerial image of the linear north-south ridge in South-Eastern Utah. First mapped by modern geoscientists in the late 19th century, the ridge is home to numerous Puebloan cliff dwellings and petroglyphs. It is a National Natural landmark and home to the only fossils of a mammal-sized cynodonts (tritylodon ...[Read More]

The theory of continental drift and how it changed the geosciences forever

The theory of continental drift and how it changed the geosciences forever

German scientist Alfred Wegener spent most of his life defending a shocking theory: that all the world’s continents were once part of the same land mass before they drifted away. For many years after he passed, his theory continued to be shunned, ridiculed, and labelled as pseudoscience. And then, several decades later, geologists began to find more and more proof to support his continental drift ...[Read More]

Imaggeo On Monday: Scary sea ice drilling in the antarctic darkness!

Imaggeo On Monday: Scary sea ice drilling in the antarctic darkness!

This picture was taken from the N.B. Palmer ice breaker during the PIPERS expedition in the austral winter of 2017. Two researchers and a marine technician were drilling cores in the sea ice of the Ross Sea. The ice was too thin and started to crack (see the fault in the background), so the team had to drill from the basket. Photo by Célia Julia Sapart, description from   Imag ...[Read More]

GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during October!

GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during October!

Each month we feature specific Divisions of EGU and during the monthly GeoRoundup we put the journals that publish science from those Divisions at the top of the Highlights roundup. For October, the Divisions we are featuring are: Natural Hazards (NH), Seismology (SM) and Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology and Volcanology (GMPV). They are served by the journals: Geoscientific Model Development (G ...[Read More]