
Top 5 GeoLog posts of 2020!

Top 5 GeoLog posts of 2020!

Happy New Year!!


2020 has been a pretty relentless and turbulent year – and a lot has happened. Here at EGU headquarters (currently spread across our staff’s several homes) we all know how much we owe to you, our members, followers and friends, this year, through all the highs and the lows. We honestly could not have made it through without our wonderful community – and you have contributed to our discussions, shared your insights and given us reasons to be hopeful.


We are so looking forward to gathering with you all remotely during #vEGU21 in April, with an anticipation of the days we can meet in person again, as soon as it is safe for us to do so. At this time of year we customarily look back at the top 5 most read blogs on the main EGU’s GeoLog site from the previous year, but this year is a bit different. We still have a top 5 section, but also our top 3 blogs from Sharing Geoscience Online (#shareEGU20) our emergency spring replacement for the General Assembly, and four honourable mentions that didn’t make the top 5, but that we were very excited about hosting anyway!


So as we look into the New Year, we wish you all hope and health and optimism for the year to come. Welcome to 2021!


Top 5 GeoLog blog posts of 2020:

  1. Using Milankovitch Cycles to create high-resolution astrochronologies – by Lon Abbott, 20 November 2020

  2. All at sea: UK women’s experiences of female leadership roles on ocean-going research vessels – by Margot Courtillat, 7 May 2020

  3. Top 5 (Last Minute) Gifts for Geoscientists…! – by Hazel Gibson, 11 December 2020

  4. Marie Tharp: an inspiration for the past, present and future! – by Hazel Gibson, 30 July 2020

  5. Friedrich Mohs and the mineral scale of hardness – by Hazel Gibson, 25 September 2020


Top 3 Sharing Geoscience Online posts:

  1. #shareEGU20: uploading your materials, a webinar and walk-through – by Hazel Gibson, 8 April 2020

  2. #shareEGU20: how to participate in the live-streamed sessions – by Chloe Hill, 23 April 2020

  3. #shareEGU20: top 10 tips for participants to get the most out of Sharing Geoscience Online – by Hazel Gibson, 24 April 2020


Honorable mentions:


Don’t forget that if you want to submit an abstract for #vEGU21, you have until 13 January 2020 – make sure you have checked your login details, and remember you only need to have a title to start the process and secure your abstract number.

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Hazel Gibson is Head of Communications at the European Geosciences Union. She is responsible for the management of the Union's social media presence and the EGU blogs, where she writes regularly for the EGU's official blog, GeoLog. She has over 12 years experience in science communication with public audiences and a PhD in Geoscience Communication and Cognition from the University of Plymouth in the UK.

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