This week we present the many volunteers behind the activities of the Tectonics and Structural Geology (TS) division. We can also be found on, Facebook and twitter. We are always happy to hear new ideas and feedback! Just drop a message on and don’t forget to stop by the division meeting during the General Assembly in April next year. Susanne Buiter – President ...[Read More]
Introducing our Early Career Scientist Team
This week we would like to introduce the Early Career Scientist team of Tectonics and Structural Geology community. Behind the activities organized during EGU and the year-round contacts on social media there is not only 1 single person who is responsible, but a team of people. So here you can read a bit more about each individual and their favorite type of rock science, which simultaneously showc ...[Read More]
New blog!
We are very happy to announce that from now on, also the Tectonics and Structural Geology division will have its own EGU blog! With this blog we would like to provide a platform for exchanging thoughts and ideas within the global tectonics and structural geology community. Here, we will write, on a monthly or fortnightly basis, about topics or techniques addressed by the many research groups that ...[Read More]