

Unwind your EGU stress with a geomorphology memory game

Unwind your EGU stress with a geomorphology memory game

Solmaz Mohadjer, PhD student at the University of Tübingen, found the perfect way to relax during a stressful day at EGU while refreshing your knowledge on landforms: A MEMORY card game. – written by Solmaz Mohadjer – Assessing rock surface hardness, dating lateral moraines, modelling future mass-balance changes of glaciers, and playing memory games with school children. Meet Dr. Stefa ...[Read More]

EGU Workshop: Digital Terrain Analysis of Anthropogenic Landscapes

EGU is about to start and besides many presentation and meeting Paolo Tarolli, Tobias Heckmann and  Wolfgang Schwanghart offer a hands on workshop on Digital Terrain Analysis of Anthropogenic Landscapes (13:30–15:00 in Room L4/5). Please see below some information on the course. – written by Paolo Tarolli (University of Padova) – Humans are among the most prominent geomorphic agents, r ...[Read More]

EGU 2016 events

EGU 2016 events

Award lectures The Geomorphology Division awards the Ralph Alger Bagnold medal to individuals in recognition of their outstanding scientific contribution to the study of geomorphology, and also awards an Outstanding Young Scientists award to recognise remarkable scientific achievements in the field of geomorphology by an early-career scientist. This year’s winners are Niels Hovius, recipient of th ...[Read More]

EGU International Young Geomorphologists Social Event

Written by Julia Meister (FU Berlin) The EGU 2016 General Assembly is getting closer and like for the past two years there will be a social evening for Young Geomorphologists (and those that still feel young!) from all over the world to promote scientific discussions and collaborations while enjoying a beer. We are happy to invite you to the “3rd International Young Geomorphologists Social Event” ...[Read More]

10th international Young Geomoprhologists’ Workshop

10th international Young Geomoprhologists’ Workshop

We’re happy to announce the 10th international young geomorphologists’ workshop, organized by the “Junge Geomorphologen” from Germany. The workshop will take place on 27.-29. May 2016 in Werbellinsee, near Berlin, Germany (see flyer). The meeting will provide an ideal opportunity to present your current work, to discuss problems and receive constructive feedback! We want to highlight our interest ...[Read More]

More than meets the “I”: The Retirement of a Mentor – Young Scientists and Their Inheritance

More than meets the “I”: The Retirement of a Mentor – Young Scientists and Their Inheritance

In preparation for the laudation of her retiring mentor – Professor Richard Dikau – Katharina Eibisch from the University of Bonn (Germany) thought about some life lessons she learned throughout her first year as a young researcher. – written by Katharina Eibisch, University of Bonn – We as Geomorphologists are not only concerned with the shape of a form but also with its materia ...[Read More]

Report from the Summer School on Geomorphology in the Kaunertal Valley, Austria, 31st August – 6th September 2015

Written by Ciara Fleming ( University College Dublin) The focus of this Summer School was ‘Sediment dynamics in high mountain environments’ and as suggested by this title, the location did not disappoint. For the week-long school we were based in Feichten im Kaunertal (1273m a.s.l.), a perfectly-formed Alpine village in the Province of Tyrol, Austria. The school brought together a diverse group of ...[Read More]

Joint MSc field course in geomorphology (Universities of Bonn and Salzburg)

Joint MSc field course in geomorphology (Universities of Bonn and Salzburg)

From Wednesday to Saturday 9-12 September 2015, the geography departments of the Universities of Bonn/Germany and Salzburg/Austria, held a joint field course in geomorphology in the eastern European Alps. During these four days, 24 students master students, half from each participating university, gathered in Gmunden, Austria. Here, in the beautiful Salzkammergut, the course addressed topics of ge ...[Read More]

Global Soil and Sediment Transfers in the Anthropocene (GloSS) – Report from the kickoff meeting in Bonn

Open kickoff meeting of the PAGES working group held in Bonn, Germany, 19th – 21st Aug. 2015 The open kickoff meeting of the PAGES working group GloSS aimed to set the boundary conditions that will enable the GloSS-WG to meet its scientific goals within the next three years. Therefore, this workshop focused on the development of a list of proxies/indices of human impacts on soils and sediments tha ...[Read More]

Irish Geomorphology Scientific Workshop & Irish Quaternary Association meeting: Extreme Events 25th-27th November

  Dear Colleagues, The annual Irish Geomorphology Group (IGGy) Workshop will be hosted at the Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI) in Dublin on the 25th and 26th November 2015 under the theme of ‘Extreme Events’ (a geomorphological perspective). The IGGy workshop will be followed by a themed IQUA (Irish Quaternary Association) meeting on November 27th, also at the GSI and also on ‘E ...[Read More]