Group picture of the 2016 Young Geomorphologists’ workshop in Werbellinsee (pictures taken by Kristen Cook and Christoph Kappler)
This year, the Young Geomorphologists from Germany invite all interested young researchers / students in geomorphology and related fields to join the 11th international Young Geomorphologists’ workshop at Ammersee, Germany, held from 19th-21st May 2017. The venue is located at a lake ca. 1 hour southwest of Munich. In a mixture of oral presentations, posters, a keynote and a short fieldtrip, we will have the opportunity to discuss in an open and informal environment.
The workshop fee will be ~50 € for full board. Please fill out the application form and send it to jgtreffen@googlemail.com until Sunday, 2nd of April. We will send you an e-mail until April 15, 2017 to let you know if you can participate. This e-mail will include all further details and the account information for the workshop fee. The number of participants is limited to c. 55 this year.
For further information, please have a look at the flyer.