The cryosphere blog is taking a summer break but not without first providing you with your beach/airplane/train/fieldwork/balcony summer reading list to make you miss us a tiny bit less. Continue reading this post to explore some summer inspiration.
Like a lot of northern countries who take long summer breaks to enjoy the long hours of light (midnight sun) after a dark winter, the Cryoblog is also taking a six week break. Summers are often used to recharge your batteries, to get inspired by taking it slow or focussing on another topic – all these things that one does not seem to have time for during a busy year, because of semester duties, conferences and deadlines, and simply too many tasks and opportunities.
What are you doing this summer?
Whether you are taking actual holidays, conducting fieldwork, finishing your long stash of manuscript drafts or enjoying the peace and quiet in your office when everyone else is gone – we did not want to let you go into this summer break without a list of posts to (re-)read during the summer. We got inspired by the EGU GeoLog blog providing you with a list of must reads for diving into science for policy and created our own list of cool cryo-topics for you.
Here it goes: Your cryo summer reads
Let’s start with a list of some short posts from this year, that you might have not seen yet or just didn’t find the time to read:
- Diving deep with seals https://blogs.egu.eu/divisions/cr/2023/03/10/image-of-the-week-receiving-messages-from-the-deep/
- The impact of actually seeing a glacier https://blogs.egu.eu/divisions/cr/2023/01/27/the-gaze-of-the-ice-cap/
- How much do you know about Arctic Birds? https://blogs.egu.eu/divisions/cr/2023/01/20/arctic-birds/
Where is the fun if we would not also dive a bit deeper and find you some older posts about inspiring topics:
- A blog to read after you watched the next summer thunderstorm: https://blogs.egu.eu/divisions/cr/2022/02/04/did-you-know-arctic-lightning-strikes-are-on-the-rise/
- In case you still have reading the IPCC report on your summer reading list, try this summary: https://blogs.egu.eu/divisions/cr/2022/05/13/ice-hot-news-a-cryo-summary-of-the-new-ipcc-assessment-report/
- Some sea icy facts: https://blogs.egu.eu/divisions/cr/2022/10/14/arctic-antarctic-sea-ice/
- How about some Greenland history: https://blogs.egu.eu/divisions/cr/2021/08/13/re-discovering-the-british-north-greenland-expedition-1952-54/
- Would you like to get inspired for teaching after the summer: https://blogs.egu.eu/divisions/cr/2021/03/12/do-you-know-about-oggm-edu-an-open-source-educational-platform-about-glaciers-and-glacier-modelling/
- You rather read something “light”, like a comic? We’ve got you covered: https://blogs.egu.eu/divisions/cr/2021/11/19/ninja-goes-south/
- Last but not least, one of the very first posts of this blog: https://blogs.egu.eu/divisions/cr/2015/01/30/%c2%adaround-the-poles-in-approx-100-minutes-earth-observation-for-climate-science-and-the-cryosphere-anna-maria-trofaier-and-anne-stefaniak/
You would like to explore a bit outside this blog? Also for that case we have some recommendations for you.
- A different take on thawing permafrost as a great book to take with you: https://www.upress.umn.edu/book-division/books/earth-ice-bone-blood
- A layman summary about the polar ice caps https://thecorrespondent.com/307/the-ends-of-the-earth-are-melting-really-fast-heres-what-you-need-to-know
- On living in Antarctica https://www.ronaldpatrick.com/permanence-in-antarctica
- Predicting when the Arctic could be sea ice free https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-38511-8
- Between the Ears – Imagining the Permafrost
- The Antarctic and Arctic sounds rarely heard before
- Witness History – Arctic African
What are we doing during the summer?
Loeka: This summer, I am working on the citizen science project Nightlights and will be preparing this fall’s light counting campaigns. You can participate too! Read more about light pollution in the Arctic in last week’s Cryoblog post, and more about the project on our website.
Lina: I will actually be working on this stash of half-written manuscripts during my own little writing retreat in Italy and on my balcony at home.
Maria: Apart from caring for my garden and watching it grow (yey to harvesting!), I am working on a lot of bioinformatic projects, that want to need some TLC. So iced coffees and forest walk breaks for me.
What’s left to say?
- Please feel free to share your favourite summer reads with us in the comments or on Twitter.
- Of course, if these posts inspired you and you would like to write your own post, or start with reading and editing those of others, please do not hesitate to contact us – we are always happy to see people join the team!
- Enjoy the summer and see you when we are back in September!
Very warm and sunny greetings from your cryo chief editors,
Loeka, Maria and Lina