A Viennese tram during EGU 2016. Do you recognise the flag on the left? [Credit: F. Lepoudre]
♫ Tatata taaa tatatatata Tatata taaa tatatatatatatataWe’re heading for Vienna (Vienna)
And still we stand tall
‘Cause maybe they’ve seen us (seen us)
And welcome us all, yeah
With so many miles left to go
And things to be found (to be found)
I’m sure that we’ll all miss that soit’s the … ♫
…congratulations, you’ve recognise the song…..it is the Final Countdown (slightly adapted!)
With the EGU general assembly starting in two days only, we hope that your presentations are almost ready that you haven’t forgotten to include in your programme all the cool stuff listed in our cryo-guide!
However, if you don’t have time to read it all, please make sure you’ve heard of these 3 events :
- the pre-icebreaker meet up on Sunday 23rd from 16:00 aida (close to Stefanplatz)
- the Cryoblog lunch on Tuesday 25th 12:15 in front of the entrance.
If you like this blog, are curious about it and would like to contribute to it — directly and/or indirectly — please come and meet us on Tuesday (for more information please email sberger@ulb.ac.be or emma.smith@awi.de) - the cryo night out on Thursday 27th from 19:30 at Wieden Braü
See you in Vienna!
PS: We take no responsibility for anyone who finds they have Final Countdown stuck in their head all week! (♪ Tatata taaa tatatatata Tatata taaa tatatatatatatata ♫)
Edited by Emma Smith