
General assembly

Demystifying the EGU OSPP Poster Competition

  The Abstract deadline for the 2025 General Assembly is approaching fast (January 15th!) and with it the deadline to sign up for the OSPP award. If you are an early career researcher who is interested in joining the contest, this is you! We talked with the coordinators, as well as some of last year’s winners to help you understand how to sign up, why to sign up and what to look out for ...[Read More]

Getting to EGU ‘by fair means’

A happy ben lifting up his bike in front of the conference center under a sign saying 'Welcome'

How to commute from Freising to Vienna by bike In the world of alpinism, the phrase “by fair means” is ubiquitous, though its definition is vague. Most people would agree that a key requirement of a “fair means ascent” is minimizing the tradeoff between convenience and reliance on external aids. If that sounds like it leaves a lot of room for interpretation, it’s beca ...[Read More]

What’s new at EGU23?

What’s new at EGU23?

EGU23 is back with longer talks, posters and PICO sessions! While EGU is always great to catch up with colleagues in classical sessions offered every year, here, we want to highlight some new sessions that will premier at EGU23. We have selected a few from each Subdivision to show the broad range of topics covered. General Biogeosciences The PICO session “It’s all about migration!” focuses on migr ...[Read More]

EGU22 in the Spotlight: Extraterrestrial and Extreme Environment Biogeosciences

EGU22 in the Spotlight: Extraterrestrial and Extreme Environment Biogeosciences

At the Biogeosciences division we are highlighting BG led sessions in the run up to the 2022 General Assembly. New for 2022 we are pleased to introduce BG7.1 “Sources and sinks of methane in the aquatic realm” convened by Helge Niemann, Alina Stadnitskaia and Tina Treude. This session will be held online and in Room 2.95 on Wednesday 25th May (15:55–18:28 (CEST)). This session features ...[Read More]

EGU22 in the Spotlight: BG4 – Marine and Aquatic Biogeosciences

EGU22 in the Spotlight: BG4 – Marine and Aquatic Biogeosciences

The EGU22 is approaching soon – no matter whether you are attending in person or online, here are a few highlight sessions from the field of marine and aquatic biogeosciences. From controlled experiments to natural laboratories – scientists use a variety of methods to unravel ecosystem functional responses to environmental changes. The session “Experimental approaches in Marine Biogeosciences”, co ...[Read More]

vEGU21 BG4 Session highlights: Marine environments – past, present and future

vEGU21 BG4 Session highlights: Marine environments – past, present and future

The vEGU21 abstract submission deadline is tomorrow, here are a few more session highlights for you to consider submitting abstract to: BG4 – Marine and Aquatic Biogeosciences from paleo-environments to modern settings. With a focus on marine carbonate (bio)minerals as archives of environmental change, (Paleo-)environmental reconstructions from biomineralized carbonates: From the Precambrian to th ...[Read More]

vEGU21 Soils to forest ecosystems sessions in the spotlight

vEGU21 Soils to forest ecosystems sessions in the spotlight

With the vEGU21 abstract submission deadline so close now, consider submitting to one of the sessions of BG3 – Terrestrial Biogeosciences: BG3 of the upcoming vEGU21 includes a wide range of soil-focused sessions, from Soils and Global Change (Co-organized by BG3.26/SSS12, co-convened by Abad Chabbi and Cornelia Rumpel) – with a focus on biogeochemical cycles, soil processes and feedback mec ...[Read More]

vEGU21 Sessions in the spotlight: Geomicrobiology, extreme environments on Earth and planetary analogs

vEGU21 Sessions in the spotlight: Geomicrobiology, extreme environments on Earth and planetary analogs

As the deadline for vEGU21 abstract submission is getting closer, consider submitting your abstract to one of these two fascinating biogeochemistry-themed sessions of BG5 – Geomicrobiology, extreme environments on Earth and planetary analogs: With Early Earth: Dynamics, Geology, Chemistry and Life in the Archean Earth (Co-organized by GD1.4/AS4/BG5/CL1/GMPV3), Ria Fischer, Peter A. Cawood, Nichola ...[Read More]

vEGU21 BG2 – Methods in Biogeosciences: Stable isotopes & novel tracers

vEGU21 BG2 – Methods in Biogeosciences: Stable isotopes & novel tracers

The deadline for vEGU21 abstract submission is getting closer and you are still wondering where to submit your abstract before January 13? Why not try one of the stable isotope sessions of BG2 – Methods in Biogeosciences: With Stable isotopes and novel tracers in biogeochemical and atmospheric research (Co-organized by BG2.2/AS4) Getachew Adnew, Jan Kaiser, Alexander Knohl and Lisa Wingate) call f ...[Read More]

vEGU21 BG sessions in the spotlight: deep time to recent past

vEGU21 BG sessions in the spotlight: deep time to recent past

The deadline for vEGU21 abstract submission is coming closer – here is the second blogpost where we highlight a few sessions across the five BG themes, today from the General Biogeosciences sessions pool and with a focus on deep time and the recent past. To foster a discussion of the reconstruction of ecological baselines and natural range of variability for a better understanding of the lon ...[Read More]