EGU Blogs


Cryospheric Sciences

Camp Century re-visited: sediment from the bottom of a Cold War ice core reveals Greenland’s warm past

Camp Century re-visited: sediment from the bottom of a Cold War ice core reveals Greenland’s warm past

A Cold War nuclear-powered military base inside the Greenland Ice Sheet sounds like science fiction, but the science that came out of this U.S. army installation was anything but fiction. In last week’s EGU CR blog post, Paul Bierman and Amanda Schmidt discussed the advances made by the U.S. military in operating across the Greenland Ice Sheet that culminated in the establishment of Camp Century i ...[Read More]


The toxic and wondrous world of academia with Science Sisters

The toxic and wondrous world of academia with Science Sisters

Good morning, dear readers, this is your editor-in-chief speaking. We are currently experiencing some difficulties in academia, but we ask you to stay calm and remain in your seats with the seatbelt fastened. In the event of loss of pressure, make sure to publish your own paper first (to increase the pressure on your peers). Yes, it’s me! Your favourite (and only) editor-in-chief! And because runn ...[Read More]


Imaggeo On Monday: Križna jama

Imaggeo On Monday: Križna jama

The Križna jama Cave on the east side of the periodic Cerknica Lake in Slovenia is an underground karstic cave primarily famous as a rich site of bones of the extinct cave bear, Ursus speleus. The eight kilometer long cave is full of stalagmites and stalactites (sometimes called drip-stone decorations) and also boasts 50 underground lakes separated by sinter barriers through which crystal clear wa ...[Read More]

Natural Hazards

Geoscience communication series: navigating the light and dark sides of social media

Geoscience communication series: navigating the light and dark sides of social media

We are thrilled to present the last episode of the EGU WEBINARS: Digitalk: online (geo)science communication series. In this episode, we will explore the light and the dark sides of using social media for science communication by a special guest, Roberto Guardo.  Roberto wished to engage in science communication just after completing his PhD. “I have never liked writing scientific papers,” he said ...[Read More]


Geodesists on Tour: On the left side of the road for getting the g

Geodesists on Tour: On the left side of the road for getting the g

Getting the small g (the absolute gravity value) outdoors has always been some sort of a challenge. But, in the early 2000s the possibility to measure gravity has changed by the arrival of the first A10 absolute gravimeters. They to a large extent revolutionized the approach of performing gravity measurements in the open field and with that improved the approach to design and measure national grav ...[Read More]


Congratulations to the winners of the EGU Best Blog Posts of 2021

Congratulations to the winners of the EGU Best Blog Posts of 2021

At EGU, we like to believe that a new year is more meaningful when we pause to look back at the year gone by – just a brief glimpse to appreciate all our good work and progress! 2021 was certainly an excellent year for our blogging network at EGU. Across the EGU’s official blog, GeoLog and division blogs we had so many inspiring, thought-provoking and even entertaining posts this year. Thank you t ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

Living IN the Greenland ice sheet: the story of Sites I and II, Camp Century’s older, smaller siblings

Living IN the Greenland ice sheet: the story of Sites I and II, Camp Century’s older, smaller siblings

Greenland, cold as it is, was appropriately front and center in the Cold War. Strategically placed between Europe and North America, the United States sought to maintain and enhance its position on the island so that American missiles and bombers were in striking range of many Soviet targets. Soviet bombers and missiles coming toward North America would streak over Greenland making early warning c ...[Read More]

Tectonics and Structural Geology

The power and pitfalls of compliments

The power and pitfalls of compliments

Part of a good workplace vibe is good contact between colleagues, as well as good contact between you and your supervisor – or between you and your supervisee. A potentially complex ingredient is the power of compliments. Compliments, per definition, are meant well. However, they can backfire enormously, when they are not received in the spirit in which they are meant. Additionally, part of being ...[Read More]


Continental drift in academia

Continental drift in academia

After spending about three decades in the hustle-bustle of Asian megacities, I landed up in a quiet European town to continue my research work as a postdoc. When you know you will not meet your family soon in person, you know that you will not get the food you love and, the climate that has guided you in the sun and shadow will be very different; you may expect a life struggle. Yet, people have di ...[Read More]


Imaggeo On Monday: Quartz – sericite mylonite, Calamita, Elba

Imaggeo On Monday: Quartz – sericite mylonite, Calamita, Elba

Concomitant thrusting and magmatism resulted in the development of ductile mylonites in the Calamita Schists, part of the contact aureole of the Late Miocene Porto Azzurro pluton. This mylonite is made up of stretched and recrystallized quartz layers, interlayered with thin sericite-rich levels. Sericite resulted from the crushing of contact-metamorphic minerals such as andalusite, cordierite, and ...[Read More]