EGU Blogs

4945 search results for "6"


GeoTalk: Meet Ann-Sofie Zinck, researcher of Antarctic ice shelves and Cryosphere ECS Representative!

GeoTalk: Meet Ann-Sofie Zinck, researcher of Antarctic ice shelves and Cryosphere ECS Representative!

Hi Ann-Sofie. Thank you for joining this GeoTalk! To break the ice, could you tell us a bit about yourself and what got you interested in the Antarctic? Hi Simon, thanks for inviting me! That’s easy! As a child I always used to be ice cold… No, just kidding! I guess I have always been fascinated about nature, geoscience, weather, climate, and ice (creams). I preferred atlases, weather, and g ...[Read More]


Going to the mountains is going home

Going to the mountains is going home

Geoscientists explore the nature from a different perspective than the commoners. In this week’s blog, Stephanie Sparks from Arizona State University shares her story how her passion for mountains gradually became her profession. Her journey through different regions in Himalaya leads her to understand the exhumation rate and the underlying geodynamic processes behind the formation of world’s high ...[Read More]


A chunk of ice the size of Amsterdam: how the calving of Greenland’s glaciers has changed since the 2010 Petermann Glacier event

A chunk of ice the size of Amsterdam: how the calving of Greenland’s glaciers has changed since the 2010 Petermann Glacier event

Thirteen years ago, a roughly 251 km2 chunk of ice (or 97 miles2) broke off Greenland’s Petermann Glacier. This Amsterdam-sized piece of ice was the largest to calve in the Arctic since 1962. The massive iceberg traversed the Nares Strait, which lies between Canada’s Ellesmere Island and Greenland, and into the northern part of Baffin Bay—the northwestern-most arm of the Atlantic Ocean, before eve ...[Read More]

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

Meet the GMPV Early Career Scientists group!

Meet the GMPV Early Career Scientists group!

2023 has been a year of big changes in the GMPV Division, with our new President Holly J. Stein, and in the GMPV Early Career Scientists (ECS) Committee, with new ECS Representative, Blog in Chief Editor and Chief organizer of the Campfires! First of all, we would like to thank Giulia Consuma for her amazing work as ECS Representative of our division for the years GA/2022-2023 and as Campires orga ...[Read More]


A summer science YouTube playlist

A summer science YouTube playlist

Summer is not over yet, so today I prepared a list of science YouTube channels to check out during the lazy summer afternoons. Scientists and teachers love to share their research, experiments and insights with anyone who is willing to listen, so there are many fantastic science channels to watch. These people work hard to make science accessible for everyone, so when we’re all done watching bad s ...[Read More]

Hydrological Sciences

Exploring the History of Hydrology – Join the Effort to Map Our Discipline Across the Centuries

Exploring the History of Hydrology – Join the Effort to Map Our Discipline Across the Centuries

The history of hydrology stretches back millennia: from the engineers of ancient high cultures over scientific pioneers like Da Vinci and Pallisy to modern groundbreaking modellers.  However, so far, few hydrologists have worked to systematically record the history of their discipline – especially in its more recent decades. That is a gap that the History of Hydrology working group of the In ...[Read More]


GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during July!

GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during July!

Each month we feature specific Divisions of EGU and during the monthly GeoRoundup we put the journals that publish science from those Divisions at the top of the Highlights roundup. For July, the Divisions we are featuring are: Earth Magnetism & Rock Physics (EMRP) and Seismology (SM). They are served by the journals: Solid Earth (SE) and Geoscientific Model Development (GMD).   Highlight ...[Read More]


Crowd solving comes to the rescue again at EGU23!

Crowd solving comes to the rescue again at EGU23!

by Emma Lodes, PhD student, GFZ-Potsdam (Germany) Twitter: @LodesEmma    |    email: Research in Earth Science starts with the spark of an idea, and is then often challenged by issues with access, temporal or spatial scaling, lack of knowledge in specific domains, or simply road bumps in our lives. As Early Career Scientists (ECS), and especially as students, our individual pr ...[Read More]


The Sassy Scientist – Cracking the social code

The Sassy Scientist – Cracking the social code

Navigating the challenge of making new friends in a new place  -well, thanks to academia…- can be as complex as decoding the Earth’s geological history. This time Bob is demanding our knowledge for: New academic job. New town. New life. It was fairly easy to make friends when I was young but how do I make friends as an adult? Dear Bob, Bob. Bob. Oh, Bob… Thanks for interrupting m ...[Read More]


“State of the ECS”: EGU 23 and, our new members!

“State of the ECS”: EGU 23 and, our new members!

Hi everyone! We are now well into the summer, and I can look back at a year of being an ECS Seismology representative, and at the incredible EGU GA this year. It was great to have the posters back this year: I had a poster and no amount of water could have saved me from talking that much. It was such an interesting experience, and I got to talk to a great amount of people. Also the social events w ...[Read More]