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Marius Schlaak

Marius is a PhD student at the chair for Astronomical and Physical Geodesy at Technical University of Munich. He is working on long-term simulations of gravity field recovery from satellite gravity missions. His focus is on time variable gravity field, developing processing strategies such as long-term trend estimation for climate applications.

EGU General Assembly 2024 — A Brief Recap of our Activities

EGU General Assembly 2024 — A Brief Recap of our Activities

Thank you all for the great EGU General Assembly (GA) this year! In case you missed EGU24 or some of the events we organised, here is a little recap. So you can stop wondering how it went and get an idea of what to look out for next year. In the Geodesy Divison, we had our kick-off, unlike the standard, with the online division meeting on Wednesday before the EGU24. There, we introduced our new me ...[Read More]

Geodesy Division Highlights at EGU24: Your Essential Guide

Geodesy Division Highlights at EGU24: Your Essential Guide

We have been a bit quiet during March, but that was only for a good reason: to prepare lots of engaging activities and short courses for the EGU General Assembly. So, let’s find out what’s waiting for you at the GA24. But a quick reminder that this is just a small preview of the many other exciting events planned for GA, such as the co-organised short courses and networking activities ...[Read More]

Bits and Bites of Geodesy — Where is the centre of the Earth? Why do we care?

Bits and Bites of Geodesy — Where is the centre of the Earth? Why do we care?

We introduce you to our new blog series Bits & Bites of Geodesy. In this blog post series, we aim to communicate small chunks of geodetic fun facts that are easy to digest. In short, posts meant for everyone, facts about geodetic measurement techniques, challenges, and concepts are presented. These bite-sized articles will unravel the often-overlooked details and intricate aspects of geodetic ...[Read More]