EGU Blogs

856 search results for "early career scientists"


Meet the new Geodesy Division Deputy President

Meet the new Geodesy Division Deputy President

It’s time to introduce a new member of the Geodesy Division Team: Roelof Rietbroek. You might remember Roelof from some years ago when he was the Geodesy ECS Representative and then later also became the Union ECS Representative. Now he has started to take over a new role as the deputy president within the Geodesy Division. We asked him a few questions so you can get to know him better. &nbs ...[Read More]


Introducing the new blog team!

Introducing the new blog team!

Another year, another blog team! This time we have a lot of diverse roles (editors, topical editors, Sassy Scientist columnists, and illustrators!) and a lot of diverse people. Whoopee! So here is the lovely blog team of 2021 – 2022, ready to start blogging from next week onwards! If you are interested in joining yourself or want to reach out to any of the blog team, don’t hesitate to ...[Read More]


Narcissistic abuse in academia

Narcissistic abuse in academia

Let’s talk about narcissistic abuse in academia. Many of us have become scientists out of passion and curiosity. Such mental resources are crucial in research, where working hours can get long, experiments can fail, career prospects and funding are scarce. However, even the most passionate may not withstand all of the possible difficulties thrown their way — especially workplace abuse, which may t ...[Read More]

Ocean Sciences

OceanTalk with Richard J. Greatbatch

OceanTalk with Richard J. Greatbatch

Richard J. Greatbatch has been awarded the 2020 Fridtjof Nansen Medal for his distinguished research in oceanography. At vEGU21 he gave his medal lecture titled ‘From the North Atlantic Oscillation to the Tropics and back’. Richard, was becoming a scientist your career plan when you were a mathematician student? Yes, I always wanted to be a scientist and, in particular, to work on some ...[Read More]

Hydrological Sciences

Post #vEGU21 hydrological reflections

Post #vEGU21 hydrological reflections

#vEGU21 is over and it was an intense two-week period for many of us. Whether you occasionally zapped in or kept your whole last week free to join online, you certainly have heard a lot about it. Here I have collected a few reflections from the events related to the hydrological sciences division. The conference first week The first week presented several Union-wide debates and sessions. We learne ...[Read More]

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

GMPV ECS online talks: Wednesday 19th May 3pm CEST

GMPV ECS online talks: Wednesday 19th May 3pm CEST

The 10th edition  the Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology and Volcanology Division’s early career scientists talks (EGU campfires) will be on Wednesday 19th May 3pm CEST. Our speakers are: Mallika Jonnalagadda (Assistant Professor @ Savitribai Phule Pune University) – Geodynamic evolution of the mafic-ultramafic rocks of Spontang Ophiolite Complex, Ladakh NW Himalaya, India Jonas Biren (PhD studen ...[Read More]


A year of Geomorphology Division behind the curtain (2020-2021)

A year of Geomorphology Division behind the curtain (2020-2021)

– written by the GM ECS team: Andrea, Aayush, Annegret, Edwin, and Eric – – edited by Jan and Sabine – Here we are, at the beginning of #vEGU21, finalising our contributions, getting familiar with new platforms and interfaces, and preparing to make the most of this virtual conference, once again. This post is a joint communication by the GM Early Career Scientists represent ...[Read More]


What’s up for geodesy during the upcoming vEGU21?

What’s up for geodesy during the upcoming vEGU21?

This year’s EGU General Assembly (GA) will be held completely online, as #vEGU21: Gather Online. The virtual GA will have all the activities of an in-presence conference with scientific sessions, networking opportunities and short courses. Connecting with your peers and making new contacts can be challenging in an online setting, but there are a number of great events planned on different platform ...[Read More]

Nonlinear Processes in Geosciences

#vEGU21 Networking events of the Nonlinear Processes in Geosciences (NP) Division

#vEGU21 Networking events of the Nonlinear Processes in Geosciences (NP) Division

The current COVID-19 situation has profoundly changed our daily lives and has also affected our way to perform and share research. In today’s world a lot of efforts have been made to minimize the impact of working from home and exchange thoughts with colleagues. As for last year the usual annual General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) has been moved online. Thus, it will be virtua ...[Read More]

Natural Hazards

#vEGU21: Gather Online – Get ready for the Natural Hazards and ECS activities

#vEGU21: Gather Online – Get ready for the Natural Hazards and ECS activities

Have you heard the news? The next EGU’s General Assembly is starting on Monday, and this year it will last for two weeks!!! And yes, as you may have guessed, with the Covid-19 pandemic continuing to have a considerable impact on face-to-face scientific meetings throughout the world, EGU 2021 will be entirely virtual. And that’s not all. We will have the ability to interact with each ot ...[Read More]