Hi Rhian, thanks for talking with us today about the EGU’s Award nominations, please start by introducing yourself! I’m a physical geography and geology lecturer at Swansea University, with a particular focus on teaching through the medium of Welsh. I have been awarded the Katia and Maurice Krafft Award for my work on the British Sign Language Glossary Project, with colleagues from the ...[Read More]
Discover geology with Lego!
Science communication is becoming a widely recognized skill for both established and budding geoscientists alike. Outreach activities are beneficial in many ways, as they not only showcase science to the general public, but also give scientists the chance to develop transferable skills. If you’re in the market for a creative geoscience activity, one that especially appeals to a younger audience, l ...[Read More]
Shaking in the city

Bruce Springsteen was playing at Barcelona’s football stadium on 14th May 2016. 65,000 people were there to hear him as he launched into an encore including “Born in the USA”, “Dancing in the Dark” and “Shout”. But unknown to Springsteen, just 500 metres away, in the basement of the Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera (ICTJA), Jorde Díaz and his colleagues were also listening in via their bro ...[Read More]
GeoEd: Career pathways and expectations in the geosciences – straight lines, wiggles and all out chaos.

‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ From a tender age, we are regularly asked that question, with answers ranging from the downright hilarious through to those kids who’ve got it all figured out. As we grow older the question of what career we want to pursue carries more weight and the outcome of our choices is scrutinised closely. In today’s GeoEd column, Rhian Meara (a geography and geo ...[Read More]