
Regular Features

#shareEGU20: A closing message from Susanne Buiter, outgoing Programme Committee Chair.

#shareEGU20: A closing message from Susanne Buiter, outgoing Programme Committee Chair.

Susanne Buiter, a Professor at RWTH Aachen University in Germany and former President of the Tectonics and Structural Geology Division of EGU, will be stepping down from her current role as Programme Committee Chair at the end of this year’s General Assembly. Whilst that should have happened in Vienna as normal, EGU was faced with the difficult decision to cancel the physical meeting this ye ...[Read More]

#shareEGU20: A welcome to the first virtual EGU General Assembly from EGU President Alberto Montanari

#shareEGU20: A welcome to the first virtual EGU General Assembly from EGU President Alberto Montanari

I am enjoying a positive feeling while I am writing these words to open the EGU2020 General Assembly #shareEGU20. In my opinion, a positive attitude is the best way to pay a tribute to the persons – including some colleagues and friends – who lost their lives due to COVID19. It is in their memory that we are looking to the future and making an effort to transform this crisis into an opportunity. I ...[Read More]