

3 ways geoscientists can support the Biodiversity Strategy for the EU’s Green Deal

3 ways geoscientists can support the Biodiversity Strategy for the EU’s Green Deal

The European Union Green Deal outlines an ambitious plan for turning climate and environmental challenges into opportunities to make the EU’s economy sustainable and make Europe the first climate-neutral continent. This plan covers a wide range of topics such as preventing biodiversity loss, achieving net-zero pollution and making the agricultural industry more sustainable. These topics include sp ...[Read More]

EGU statement of support for the European Research Council

EGU statement of support for the European Research Council

The European Research Council (ERC) is the sole European science funding agency that is designed and governed by scientists. As such, it has become one of the world’s leading and most respected funders of frontier research, with more than 70% of completed projects leading to discoveries or major advances. The ERC’s investigator-driven approach and allocation of grants based solely on scientific ex ...[Read More]