
Imaggeo On Monday: The desert of the cauliflowers

Imaggeo On Monday: The desert of the cauliflowers

Bouâmama Cauliflowers (Fredolia aretioides) in the stony plateaus of the Eastern High Atlas near Ayt Wazag (Morocco). The compact, cushion-like habit, the tiny coriaceous leaves and the deep-reaching roots of this shrub allow it to thrive under arid climatic conditions.

Photo by Luca Barale, as described on


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  1. The image “The Desert of the Cauliflowers” beautifully captures the essence of nature. The soft tones and intricate patterns of the rock formations create a captivating scene. The earthy colors and unique texture of the rocks evoke a sense of serenity and tranquility. It’s fascinating to witness how nature can create such stunning and detailed landscapes. This image is a testament to the power and magnificence of our planet, serving as a reminder of the incredible beauty of our natural world. Truly, it is a geological masterpiece.

  2. That is a really beautiful image. This topic sent me down a rabbit hole to learn more about these wonderful plants. Thanks for sharing.


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