Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Palaeontology

submarine canyon

Sediment in the deep ocean, Part 1: flows that shape the seafloor.

Sediment in the deep ocean, Part 1: flows that shape the seafloor.

Most of us know about the existence of waves and tides. We can see them along our coasts and, even if we do not pay much attention, we also know that waves and tides move sediment that rests on the seafloor: sand, mud, shells and…plastics. We all can see ripples and small channels on beaches or estuaries created by the movement of water from waves and tides. If we scuba dive down to a few tens of ...[Read More]

Congo Canyon: A Chat with Dr Steve Simmons

Congo Canyon: A Chat with Dr Steve Simmons

It is always an interesting period when the time comes around for me to write my blog for the SSP page. My research is predominantly in numerical modelling, which would be interesting if I was modelling awesome natural phenomena, but I don’t. I general assess the sensitivities of the numerical models to different sorts of uncertainty and whilst this is important work for understanding the outputs ...[Read More]