
EGU Guest blogger

This guest post was contributed by a scientist, student or a professional in the Earth, planetary or space sciences. The EGU blogs welcome guest contributions, so if you've got a great idea for a post or fancy trying your hand at science communication, please contact the blog editor or the EGU Communications Officer to pitch your idea.

Lockdown in Northern Italy, what did seismology see?

Lockdown in Northern Italy, what did seismology see?

Seismologists are not surprised to see that the coronavirus lockdowns reduce seismic ambient noise; but what is emerging from the data is that the reduction is quite spectacular. This shows that human activities – road and railroad traffic, industrial machinery – account for a significant chunk of background Earth’s vibration: and that is a form of pollution that deserves more at ...[Read More]

Some Seismology reminders for EGU2018 General Assembly

Some Seismology reminders for EGU2018 General Assembly

With only 2 days left for the kick off of the annual European Geosciences Union General Assembly (2018), here is a quick-list to go through in time for EGU. First, read this page for information concerning activities for Early Career Scientists at the GA: EGU2018 mobile app The EGU2018 mobile app is now available. Go to to ...[Read More]

Seismology for non-seismologists

Seismology for non-seismologists

Short Course at EGU2018, organized by the ECS-Team of the Seismology Division Title: SC1.23 – Seismology for Non-Seismologists Time: Monday 9 April, 13:30 – 15:00 Location: Room -2.91 Are you getting ready for the upcoming General Assembly EGU2018? Consider attending our short course in Seismology on Monday. How do seismologists detect earthquakes? How do we locate them? Is seismology ...[Read More]

Crowdsourcing in Europe: how to share macroseismic data of felt earthquakes ?

Crowdsourcing in Europe: how to share macroseismic data of felt earthquakes ?

“Did you feel the earthquake ?”     “Avez-vous ressenti un tremblement de Terre?”      “Erdbeben gespürt?”          ” Følte du siste jordskjelv?”            “Sentiu um Sismo?” “Ha sentido algún terremoto?”      “Pocítili ste zemetrasenie?”      “Hai Sentito il Terremoto?” “почувствахте ли земетрес ...[Read More]