EGU Blogs


Cryospheric Sciences

Climate Change & Cryosphere – The tropical fingerprint in Arctic climate

Climate Change & Cryosphere – The tropical fingerprint in Arctic climate

We know that climate change is being felt worldwide, but it is especially prominent in the Arctic, where temperatures are warming twice as fast as anywhere else on the planet. This especially sensitive environment, whose icy, snow-covered land and sea is so important in the global climate system, is really starting to feel the heat. But where is this heat coming from? In this blog post, we will ex ...[Read More]


The Sassy Scientist – Busting That Rut

The Sassy Scientist – Busting That Rut

Lily took a nice break during the Christmas season, but quickly restressed, and asked: Everytime I take some time off work, I feel guilty I did afterwards. Should l simply keep working continuously? Dear Lily, I would keep working continuously if I were you. I mean, how else are you going to finish your research, write those papers, complete that funding request, prepare a new undergrad course, se ...[Read More]

Hydrological Sciences

Designing a video game – a new scientific experience

Designing a video game – a new scientific experience

  “We are in 2050. In 2020, a multi-disciplinary team of scientists and of actors from the Swiss mountains have launched the digital interface MOUNTAINCRAFT. The impact of the launching was immediate: collectivities, socio-economic actors, people living in the area adopted the tool and started implementing adaptation measures to cope with climate change (…). Ultimately, the tool spread across ...[Read More]


New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

Hello everyone and a very belated Happy New Year to y’all! We are back completely refreshed from our little break and ready to posts countless of blog posts! Of course, posting blog posts is our number one New Year’s resolution, but the EGU Geodynamics Blog Team also has a couple of others. Happy 2020! Iris van Zelst 1. Take (all my) holidays (for a change) 2. Go to the theatre a lot a ...[Read More]

Nonlinear Processes in Geosciences

NPG Paper of the Month: “On fluctuating momentum-exchange in idealised models of air-sea interaction”

NPG Paper of the Month: “On fluctuating momentum-exchange in idealised models of air-sea interaction”

This month the NPG Paper of the Month award is achieved by Achim Wirth for his paper “On fluctuating momentum-exchange in idealised models of air-sea interaction” ( Achim tells us about the importance of the results achieved with this paper for investigating the energy coupling between the ocean and the atmosphere. Achim obtained his PhD at th ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

Water plumes are tickling the Greenland Ice Sheet

Water plumes are tickling the Greenland Ice Sheet

7 meters of sea-level rise – what you would get if the whole Greenland Ice Sheet melted. But the tricky question is: how much of this ice will be melted in the next decades, and how fast will it occur? This piece of information is critical in order to plan for present and future populations living in coastline areas, all around the world. How much and how fast can the Greenland Ice Sheet melt ? In ...[Read More]

Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Palaeontology

County Clare, Ireland: A World-Class Geological Locality

County Clare, Ireland: A World-Class Geological Locality

By John Counts and Emma Morris. Europe has a wide variety of interesting sites for geologists, including areas with scientifically interesting formations, amazing scenery, and classic outcrops, many of which are recognized for their international geological significance and are designated as UNESCO Global Geoparks. Rarely, however, do all of these factors come together in such a spectacular way as ...[Read More]

Tectonics and Structural Geology

Beyond Tectonics: How mountain building shaped biodiversity

Beyond Tectonics: How mountain building shaped biodiversity

This edition of “Beyond Tectonics” is brought to you by Lydian Boschman. Lydian is a postdoctoral researcher at ETH Zürich. She has a background in geology and plate tectonic reconstructions, but now works with a group of biodiversity modelers of the Landscape Ecology group at ETH, bridging the gap between geology and biology. In her research, she focuses on the uplift history of the Andes, and ho ...[Read More]


Hackathon: when ideas happen

Hackathon: when ideas happen

You live in a developing country and wish for access to safe drinking water [1]. Or, you are at the supermarket and want to jump the endless line at the checkout [2]. Maybe you are a business woman and want to confidently represent yourself as the professional you are [3].   Whether it be inspired by the best of intentions or simply the laziness of a shopper, an idea worth developing always h ...[Read More]


Hackathon in Zurich – ETH Team

Hackathon in Zurich – ETH Team

A colleague, external partners and I organized a hackathon on permafrost which took place from 28/11/2019 to 01/12/2019.   We tried not to follow the traditional competition-like hackathon approach, but wanted to foster interdisciplinary knowledge exchange and collaboration through working jointly on a predefined dataset.   We targeted to bring together computer and environmental scienti ...[Read More]