We would like to end this year by looking back and thanking you!
In July we finally launched the Ocean Sciences blog and joined the EGU blogsphere. Since then we had nine blog posts. Thank you to all the great guest authors we had this year. After the initial Ocean Sciences blog team of Gwyn and me, we are happy to double our efforts with Elizabeth and Kristin joining the editorial team.
- Elizabeth Siddle is a PhD student in Physical Oceanography at the University of East Anglia, UK. She studies air-sea fluxes of heat and momentum using autonomous surface and underwater vehicles, namely an AutoNaut and Seagliders. She is currently focusing on the Tropical North Atlantic and hopes to investigate air-sea interaction with autonomous vehicles in Antarctica. You can read more about her research in her blog post ‘Eurec4a: Tales from the Tropics’.
- Kristin Ungerhofer is a PhD student in Marine Geochemistry at the NIOZ in the Netherlands. She explores the intricately linked biogeochemical cycles of iron and phosphorus in different marine environments. Her current areas of research include the Rainbow hydrothermal vent system on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the Benguela Upwelling System and the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Stay tuned to read more about her research.
Stay tuned for more fun articles to come in 2021! If you want to contribute in any way to the blog, please reach out.
After a successful EGU20: Sharing Geoscience Online we are preparing for the vEGU21: Gather online. Take a look at the Ocean Sciences sessions in the program by choosing ‘OS’ as the program group. Of course, at vEGU21 there will also be short courses, networking and early career scientists events taking place. Please consider submitting your abstract to an Ocean Sciences session, the deadline is 13 January at 13:00 CET.
We hope you can take some time off and relax from this turbulent year during the holiday season.
Wishing you a healthy and happy new year 2021!
The Ocean Sciences Blog Team