Are you planning on attending the EGU General Assembly happening very shortly in Vienna, Austria? – We are! As every year, we are very much looking forward to connecting with you during the various events and are very excited to already share some of our highlights with you today. Keep an eye open on social media for daily cryosphere highlights during EGU! Would you like to meet us? Find us ...[Read More]
What not to miss at this year’s EGU General Assembly
We are already half way through April and that means that this year’s EGU General Assembly (GA) is just around the corner. Whether this will be your first, second or seventh EGU GA, you are probably still overwhelmed by the jungle of opportunities there are – courses, medal lectures, talks, discussions, poster sessions – no? We certainly still are and that’s why we always collect our f ...[Read More]
The Polar Night Week and the Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System

In the early days of 2023, nearly 100 researchers gathered in Longyearbyen, Svalbard, one of the last permanently inhabited places before reaching the North Pole (see my previous blogpost about Svalbard). The Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) held its fifth Polar Night Week. SIOS is an international partnership of research institutions that study the environment and climate ...[Read More]
What cryoscientists should expect for a Covid-regulated EGU22

After two (long) years of remote work and virtual conferencing, we are looking forward to engaging with fellow scientists in-person at the upcoming EGU22 General Assembly! But, with Covid-19 still in the air, this year’s conference will be held as a hybrid format. In this way, EGU22 will be modified to comply with Austrian pandemic restrictions, as well as introduce new elements to the programme t ...[Read More]
An interview with Jenny Turton, early-career representative for the cryo-division of the EGU
The European Geophysical Union (EGU) has a number of scientific divisions or themes, such as cryosphere, atmospheric sciences and geodesy. Each division has a representative for early career scientists, and often a team of scientists who write and edit blogs and organise events. Today, Jenny Turton, the new representative for the cryo-division, explains a bit more about the role and what she hope ...[Read More]
A brief guide to Navigating EGU 2019!
Are you going to the EGU General Assembly in Vienna next week? If so, read on for a quick guide to navigating the week: Where to start, what to see and how to meet people and enjoy yourself! After all, the meeting is as much about the opportunities to meet scientists from all over the world as it is about the science itself. How on Earth do I know what is going on?! The EGU General Assembly (GA) i ...[Read More]
What’s on at POLAR18?
Next Tuesday (19th June) the POLAR18 Open Science Conference kicks off in Davos, Switzerland. We have put together a quick guide about events that might be of interest to you during the week! Conferences are about the science, of course, but the social side is just as important 🙂 What is POLAR18? The eagle-eyed among you will have spotted that the POLAR18 conference is, in fact, a collection of di ...[Read More]
Image of the Week – A rather splendid round-up of CryoEGU!
The 2017 edition of the EGU general assembly was a great success overall and for the cryospheric division in particular. We were for instance thrilled to see that two of the three winning photos of the EGU Photo contest featured ice! To mark the occasion we are delighted to use as our image of this week, one of these pictures, which shows an impressive rapid in the Pite River in northern Sweden. ...[Read More]
A brief guide to navigating EGU 2017!
Are you going to the EGU General Assembly in Vienna next week? If so, read on for a quick guide to navigating the week: Where to start, what to see and how to meet people and enjoy yourself! After all, the meeting is as much about the opportunities meet scientists from all over the world as it is about the science itself. How on Earth do I know what is going on?! The EGU General Assembly is a mass ...[Read More]
Image of the Week — FRISP 2016
The Forum for Research into Ice Shelf Processes, aka FRISP, is an international meeting bringing together glaciologists and oceanographers. There are no parallel sessions; everyone attends everyone else’s talk and comment on their results, and the numerous breaks and long dinners encourage new and interdisciplinary collaborations. In fact, each year, a few presentations are the result of a previou ...[Read More]