EGU Blogs


Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Palaeontology

What’s my age again? Comparing dating methods in loess

What’s my age again? Comparing dating methods in loess

As you have learned from our previous posts, loess is a widespread terrestrial sediment, known to be an important archive for the changes of past environmental and climatic conditions. In order to use loess as a proxy, we first need to investigate the age of the sediments. In loess, different dating methods can be used, such as luminescence dating, radiocarbon dating, magnetic stratigraphy, and or ...[Read More]

Climate: Past, Present & Future

What’s my age again? Comparing dating methods in loess

What’s my age again? Comparing dating methods in loess

As you have learned from our previous posts, loess is a widespread terrestrial sediment, known to be an important archive for the changes of past environmental and climatic conditions. In order to use loess as a proxy, we first need to investigate the age of the sediments. In loess, different dating methods can be used, such as luminescence dating, radiocarbon dating, magnetic stratigraphy, and or ...[Read More]


Imaggeo On Monday: Transit of Venus over the Sun

Imaggeo On Monday: Transit of Venus over the Sun

The object of this photo is the transit of planet Venus in front of the Sun which took place on June 6th 2012 and was the last event of this kind until 2117! This is a very rare event with respect to a human life span and the transit always happens in pairs, 8 years apart, with a repeatability of more than two centuries. The picture was captured on the shore of the Black Sea, in Vama Veche, Romani ...[Read More]


“State of the ECS”: Lessons learned

“State of the ECS”: Lessons learned

  Michaela here. I’m sure I’m not the only one around here who falls into a bit of a motivation pit from time to time. So, I put quite a lot of hope into January: start the new year with a bang and get right back at work. Of course, that didn’t really work as well as I made it out in my head. Do you know the feeling when you don’t really do much because you just can’t bring yourself to work o ...[Read More]


Winners of the EGU Best Blog Posts of 2020 Competition

Winners of the EGU Best Blog Posts of 2020 Competition

2020 was a brilliant year for our blogging network here at EGU. Across the EGU’s official blog, GeoLog, as well as the network and division blogs there were so many interesting, educational and just downright entertaining posts this year it was hard to get the blog editors to choose their favourites! Nevertheless at the beginning of January, to celebrate the excellent display of science writing ac ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

Did you know there’s a place to Find, Discover, & Download Arctic Data? Meet The Arctic Data Center!

Did you know there’s a place to Find, Discover, & Download Arctic Data? Meet The Arctic Data Center!

Getting data from the Arctic is often difficult and expensive – instead, stand on the shoulders of giants and investigate over 6000 datasets preserved for future download and reuse in the Arctic Data Center! Read on for more information about the Arctic Data Center and the data contained therein. The Arctic Data Center is the primary data repository for the Arctic section of the US National ...[Read More]


The Sassy Scientist – Choose Your Mantle Game

The Sassy Scientist – Choose Your Mantle Game

Lockdown rumination resulted in new research ideas for Amélie. Her quests at the intersection of multiple subfields left her wondering: How to write an interdisciplinary proposal? Dear Amélie, I salute your efforts at bringing together multiple disciplines to tackle some of humanity’s most urgent questions regarding planetary interiors. I am myself an interdisciplinary scientist and a polyma ...[Read More]


Imaggeo On Monday: Space plasma in a jar

Imaggeo On Monday: Space plasma in a jar

Laboratory visualisation of solar wind interaction with Earth’s magnetic field. The Van Allen radiation belt, Earth’s magnetosphere, “bow shock” and a solar coronal hole can all be seen, and are emphasized with the ‘Planeterrella experiment‘, a vacuum chamber in the shape of a bell jar with the ‘Sun’ on the left (in the form of a large metallic sphere) and the ‘Earth& ...[Read More]


Should I… do a coding PhD when I don’t have much experience coding?

Should I… do a coding PhD when I don’t have much experience coding?

“The ideal applicant will have a strong background in coding.” I’m not sure if those were the exact words that advertised my PhD project, but a requirement of coding ability was certainly heavily implied. We’re used to hearing stories about job requirements in the professional world, but in my experience at least, we think much less about this in the academic sphere. I nearly didn’t apply to ...[Read More]


GeoPolicy: Europe’s Waste Policy – using Incinerator Bottom Ash and reducing landfill

GeoPolicy: Europe’s Waste Policy – using Incinerator Bottom Ash and reducing landfill

Although you may not realise it, waste and the circular economy is an important topic for many geoscientists. Our consumption drives the need for resources and sustainable resource extraction, while disposing and reducing this waste requires a wide range of expertise and impacts the environments in which many scientists undertake their research. On a more personal level, understanding what happens ...[Read More]