EGU Blogs



Imaggeo On Monday: A steady silent witness

Imaggeo On Monday: A steady silent witness

I took this picture during a sunny field work day in the Mara Wetland, Tanzania. The granitic inselberg appeared to me as a huge silent witness not only of siltation and inundation of the wetland but also of the human actions. Slash-and-burn is widely used to deforest lands and riparian vegetation for new crops and grazing fields along the Mara River. The induced habitat degradation is jeopardizin ...[Read More]


GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during February!

GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during February!

Each month we feature specific Divisions of EGU and during the monthly GeoRoundup we will be putting the journals that publish science from those Divisions at the top of the Highlights roundup. For February, the Divisions we are featuring are: Hydrological Sciences (HS) and Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Palaeontology(SSP). They are served by the journals: Geoscientific Model Development (GMD), H ...[Read More]


Discover the BASE of academic writing to become a better writer

Discover the BASE of academic writing to become a better writer

Has anyone ever had a chat with you about your writing? Or their writing for that matter – and I don’t mean about their last publication but their writing process? Writing and in particular academic writing is one of those skills that people assume everyone has and picks up somehow by doing it – without ever really being properly shown how to write. I definitely haven’t been to any writing worksho ...[Read More]


SENSORChat: Go with the UPFLOW – detecting powerful motions deep within Earth’s interior

SENSORChat: Go with the UPFLOW – detecting powerful motions deep within Earth’s interior

“SENSOR” – stands for Seismological Experiments, Network Systems, Observations and Recovery In this blog series, curated by Chiara Civiero, we share news about recent or upcoming seismic experiments around the globe! Could you explain what your project is about? While downward mantle flow (subduction) is well constrained, a grand challenge in Earth sciences is to understand mid-plate, deep upward ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

Time & space of glaciers

Time & space of glaciers

People usually perceive space and time, comparing them to their own life Words such as “forever” and “until the end” appear in fiction But how can we imagine the space and time of the mountain glaciers whose existence goes beyond our usual perception? And why is it so important for us now? With this post, researcher Alexandra Rogozhina shares her thoughts on these suggestive topics. Mostly, ...[Read More]

Nonlinear Processes in Geosciences

When weather extremes meet climate change: how do scientists attribute single events to climate change?

When weather extremes meet climate change: how do scientists attribute single events to climate change?

One of the main new points of the IPCC reports AR6 with respect to the previous ones is the increased confidence that global climate change induced by anthropogenic emissions is critically affecting the dynamics of weather extremes. For summer, and specifically over Europe, the AR6 report states that we are already observing prolonged periods of extremely warm conditions with increased droughts bo ...[Read More]

Hydrological Sciences

Timeline of historical highlights of the EGU Hydrological Sciences Division

Timeline of historical highlights of the EGU Hydrological Sciences Division

Do you know when the Hydrological Sciences Division had their first Early Career Scientist representative? Or who the division president was in 2016? Check the answers below, where we list these and other historical highlights over almost 20 years of the Hydrological Sciences (HS) Division. Overall, the most striking fact is certainly the steady growth and diversification of the community and the ...[Read More]


EGUsphere preprints: moderators celebrate more opportunities and increased flexibility

EGUsphere preprints: moderators celebrate more opportunities and increased flexibility

Preprints are in the spotlight this month at EGU, with the newest feature of our Open Access repository EGUsphere now officially available! As we observe this new milestone, EGU is aware of the important role that its moderators will play in this process. This week, four EGUsphere moderators tell us what they look forward to in their new role and encourage other geoscientists to join in the experi ...[Read More]


Do lower mantle slabs contribute in generating the Indian Ocean geoid low?

Do lower mantle slabs contribute in generating the Indian Ocean geoid low?

The Indian Ocean Geoid Low is an enigmatic phenomenon in geodynamics. Many brain-storming hypotheses have been proposed in the last few decades to explain this geoid low. One popular idea argues that the high density lower mantle slabs contribute to this geoid low. Recent discoveries have shown that low-density anomalies from the African LLSVP region could have a more substantial influence on crea ...[Read More]


Imaggeo On Monday: Stands of Time

Imaggeo On Monday: Stands of Time

Within the heart of the Malagasy Hauts-Plateaux, the rolling grasslands are pitted by deep incisions locally referred to as lavaka (‘hole’ in Malagasy). These mass failure features provide vast quantities of terrestrial matter to local freshwater arteries, accounting for over 80% of the annual sediment load of the Betsiboka River. The collapse of the overlying laterite exposes a comparatively nutr ...[Read More]