EGU Blogs


Natural Hazards

Putting some pieces of the climate puzzle together, a chat with Jakob Zscheischler

Putting some pieces of the climate puzzle together, a chat with Jakob Zscheischler

The climate on our home planet is changing, and the effects of this change affect all of us at different levels starting from an enhancement of extreme weather events, a severe natural hazard. Climate change has several drivers, which in turn have complex interactions. Thus, it should not surprise us if climate science is a complex and interdisciplinary discipline with numerous players and great p ...[Read More]


GeoTalk: meet Alicia Fantasia, researcher in ancient Earth climates & ECS representative for SSP Division

GeoTalk: meet Alicia Fantasia, researcher in ancient Earth climates & ECS representative for SSP Division

Hello Alicia, thank you for agreeing to this interview! Before we dig in, could you tell us a little about yourself and your research? Hi Simon, many thanks for giving the nice opportunity to present my research activities. I am Alicia Fantasia and I was born in Switzerland. I have always been passionate about the Earth system, I am sensitive to current climate change issues, and … fascinated by d ...[Read More]


Earthquake Watch: Woods Point, Australia – September, 2021

Earthquake Watch: Woods Point, Australia – September, 2021

Dee Ninis, an Earthquake Geologist and Seismologist from the Seismology Research Centre of Australia, outlines the 22 September 2021 Mw5.9 Woods Point, Australia earthquake for the first Earthquake Watch of the year. On 22 September, 2021 at 09:15 AEST (2021-09-21 23:15 UTC) a moderate earthquake of Mw 5.9 near Woods Point, Victoria, shook southeast Australia. Felt reports were received from as fa ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

A place called home?

A place called home?

Welcome to Kongsfjorden in Svalbard. The front of the glaciers terminating into the sea is an ecological hotspot, home to many marine animals, like kittiwakes, who love to hunt here. They feed on small fish and shrimp, which at marine-terminating glacier fronts are brought to the surface by upwelling glacial meltwater. Retreating glaciers lose their contact with the ocean As the planet warms these ...[Read More]


EGUsphere preprints: new pathways for discussion, sharing and feedback

EGUsphere preprints: new pathways for discussion, sharing and feedback

After a long wait, EGU has this month launched our much-anticipated preprints – the newest feature of the Open Access repository EGUsphere. Now for the first time, authors can upload preprints to the online server, taking advantage of EGU’s pioneering public peer-review process, whilst preparing their papers for future release. Three different roads for preprints are available with EGUsphere: Prep ...[Read More]


GeoLchat: el experimento de divulgación científica bilingüe hecho por tres geocientíficas colombianas

GeoLchat: el experimento de divulgación científica bilingüe hecho por tres geocientíficas colombianas

GeoLchat: A Bilingual Science Communication Experiment of Three Colombian Geoscientists Una de las cosas más importantes que se les enseña en la academia a los estudiantes de ciencia alrededor del mundo es aprender a usar el lenguaje científico. Sin embargo, nunca se les enseña a hablar acerca de ciencia en un lenguaje sencillo, y tampoco a comunicar y divulgar sus investigaciones en lenguajes dif ...[Read More]

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

EGU GMPV Campfires 2022

EGU GMPV Campfires 2022

The GMPV Campfires are back this year with a new schedule of fascinating online talks and discussions!  We thank everyone for presenting their research and for attending our talks so far. If you have any suggestions, please, take a moment to fill in this very quick feedback form. Please see the following dates for our exciting new events in 2022. April 2022: General format (Four speakers) – ...[Read More]


Job opportunity at the EGU General Assembly: photography press assistant

Job opportunity at the EGU General Assembly: photography press assistant

We have one vacancy for a photographer with an interest in science communication to work at the press centre of the EGU22 General Assembly which will be held in Vienna, Austria and online, from 23–27 May. The successful candidate will be required to attend the General Assembly in-person in Vienna. Applications from geoscience students with experience in science communication are also very welcome. ...[Read More]


Imaggeo On Monday: The Heart of a Stone

Imaggeo On Monday: The Heart of a Stone

Heart-shaped glomerocryst (aggregate of phenocrysts) made of plagioclase and pyroxene in a cordierite-bearing dacitic lava from Lipari (Eolie Islands). I study the crustal xenoliths of these lavas to understand the processes accompanying high-temperature metamorphism and crustal melting. But I came across this spectacular glomerocryst and couldn’t help but take a picture! Polarized light pho ...[Read More]


EGU Campfire Geodesy – Share Your Research – Fourth Edition

EGU Campfire Geodesy – Share Your Research – Fourth Edition

  We all welcome you around our fourth EGU Geodesy Campfire to listen to two exciting talks by Early Career Scientists (ECS) Marcello Passaro and Kevin Gobron. The Geodesy EGU Campfire Events “Share Your Research” will give early career researchers the chance to talk about their work. Below you can find detailed descriptions about their talks. We will have time for networking after the presen ...[Read More]