
Noel C. Baker

Noel C. Baker is an American climate scientist, artist, and science communicator. She currently works as the project manager of the ALTIUS and PICASSO satellite missions at the Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy. She also serves as a member of the EGU’s Science for Policy Working Group, supports EGU’s efforts in its current Policy Priority Area of biodiversity, and manages a variety of science policy and outreach activities in Brussels.

GeoPolicy: Connect with artists to make your science accessible to policymakers and the public

GeoPolicy: Connect with artists to make your science accessible to policymakers and the public

Communicating with the public and policymakers enables scientists to share their passion with those outside of their field and create greater impact. Often when scientists consider engaging non-experts, they imagine public lectures or blog posts, but finding more creative ways to communicate scientific information can be both rewarding and incredibly effective. This month’s GeoPolicy Blog post is ...[Read More]