EGU Blogs

856 search results for "early career scientists"


GeoTalk: Meet Mengze Li, atmospheric chemist and the Atmospheric Sciences Division’s Early Career Scientist Representative

GeoTalk: Meet Mengze Li, atmospheric chemist and the Atmospheric Sciences Division’s Early Career Scientist Representative

Hi Mengze, thank you for spending your time with us today. Could you tell our readers a little about yourself? Hi Simon, thanks for the interview today. I’m happy to tell more about myself. I was born in China, lived and studied there until I finished my Bachelor’s study. After that I went to Germany for Master’s and doctoral degrees. Last year I have finished my PhD at Max Planck Institute for Ch ...[Read More]


GeoTalk: Meet Valeria Cigala, the Natural Hazards Division’s Early Career Scientist Representative

GeoTalk: Meet Valeria Cigala, the Natural Hazards Division’s Early Career Scientist Representative

Hello Valeria, thank you for talking with us today! Could you tell us a bit about yourself? Hi Simon, I’m delighted to talk with you today; thank you for the opportunity! I originally come from Italy, and I work as a postdoc researcher at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich, in Germany, in experimental and physical volcanology. In particular, I’m working on my DFG funded projec ...[Read More]


GeoTalk: Meet Meriel Bittner, the Ocean Science Division’s Early Career Scientist Representative

GeoTalk: Meet Meriel Bittner, the Ocean Science Division’s Early Career Scientist Representative

Hello Meriel, thank you for speaking with us today! Could you introduce yourself? My name is Meriel Bittner and I am the Early Career Scientist Representative for the Ocean Sciences (OS) Division of EGU. Currently, I am a PhD fellow at the University of Copenhagen. Originally from Germany, I did my Bachelor and Master at the University of Vienna in Austria, hence I have attended multiple general a ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

Cryo Careers: Should I stay, or should I go? Non-linear career paths

Cryo Careers: Should I stay, or should I go? Non-linear career paths

Nature is chaotic and random. Non-linear processes take place in our oceans, atmosphere and ice. No two snowflakes are the same, so why would two careers be the same? In this week’s blog, we highlight a number of scientists who took non-linear routes in their careers and give you some advice if you are considering a career change. Why do we need to highlight different career paths? From a young ag ...[Read More]


#vEGU21: meet the new EGU Early Career Scientist Representatives!

#vEGU21: meet the new EGU Early Career Scientist Representatives!

Each year, at the end of the General Assembly, EGU’s volunteers who have come to the end of their terms go through the handover. This year in our Early Career Scientist (ECS) Division Representatives teams, we have nine new members (or members in a new role) joining us to start their terms volunteering to help co-ordinate their Division activities and represent the diverse Early Career resea ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

Introducing TJ Young, our new early-career representative for the cryo-division of the EGU!

Introducing TJ Young, our new early-career representative for the cryo-division of the EGU!

Every two years, the Cryospheric Sciences division of the European Geophysical Union (EGU) elects a new representative for its early-career scientists. Starting in April 2021, Tun Jan (TJ) Young will take over the role from Jenny Turton, who is the outgoing representative. TJ shares a bit about himself and how his previous leadership experience aligns with the goals of EGU’s early career scientist ...[Read More]


Whats on at #vEGU21: Jobs and Careers!

Whats on at #vEGU21: Jobs and Careers!

Attending conferences is a great way to widen your network, meet potential future employers and boost your skills. At vEGU21, we are bringing some of the career networking opportunities to you, in the comfort of your own home.   Career development short courses Careers inside and outside of academia: a panel discussion. In this panel discussion you will hear from scientists with experience in jour ...[Read More]


How to vEGU – Networking (part 3): Early Career Scientist networking events!

How to vEGU – Networking (part 3): Early Career Scientist networking events!

From Monday to Friday over the two weeks of #vEGU21 the Early Career Scientists will be hosting networking events specific to each of the EGU’s Divisions. Keep up-to-date and discover when each ECS Division networking event is, alongside other details, in the EGU Programme by selecting “Please Select” and then “Networking” in the session programme page. Keep an eye out for other ECS events too, li ...[Read More]


GeoTalk: Meet Tim van Emmerik, hydrologist and Geosciences Instrumentation and Data Systems Division Early Career Scientist representative.

GeoTalk: Meet Tim van Emmerik, hydrologist and Geosciences Instrumentation and Data Systems Division Early Career Scientist representative.

Hi Tim, thanks for talking with us today, can you start by telling us a little about yourself and your research background? As experimental hydrologist I aim to provide reliable data to solve water-related societal challenges. For over a decade I have been working on developing new, better or cheaper measurement methods to quantify components of the water cycle. My first projects focused on estima ...[Read More]

Geology for Global Development

Three quotes from famous female scientists for the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Three quotes from famous female scientists for the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

To commemorate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science our GfGD blogger from Chile, Olivia Mejías, hopes to inspire you with the words of three famous female scientists.  [Editor’s note: This post reflects Olivia’s personal opinions. These opinions may not reflect official policy positions of Geology for Global Development.] There are 774 million illiterate adults worldwide; according ...[Read More]