EGU Blogs

4946 search results for "6"


Structure-from-Motion for Seismology

Structure-from-Motion for Seismology

This blog post about drone photogrammetry for seismology research is written by Lars Gebraad, with contributions from Isamu Naets and Patrick Marty. Lars Gebraad and Patrick Marty are doing their doctorates at the Seismology and Wave Physics group and Isamu Naets did his PhD at the Geothermal Energy and Geofluids group, both at the Dept. of Earth Sciences, ETH Zürich. Like many techy outdoor young ...[Read More]

Hydrological Sciences

Storm Gathering: An EGU Flow Regatta Adventure

Storm Gathering: An EGU Flow Regatta Adventure

A Vulture circled over the motley crew of hydrometricians that had gathered for the showdown at Liesingbach for the 2nd EGU Flow Regatta on April 24th, 2023.  The call had gone out far and wide: the winner of the showdown would achieve everlasting glory, songs would be sung, their name echoing through legend.  The losers would become, as Tom Waits predicted, just more dirt in the ground. Storm clo ...[Read More]

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

Volcanoes and Corals: a journey to discover volcanic activity as seen from a coral perspective with Prof. Tom Sheldrake

Volcanoes and Corals: a journey to discover volcanic activity as seen from a coral perspective with Prof. Tom Sheldrake

What can corals tell us about volcanic eruptions? Is it possible corals, in the span of their lives, have recorded valuable data on volcanic eruptions they have witnessed? Today we find it out together with Prof. Tom Sheldrake, who takes us on a journey through coral reefs and volcanic eruptions, giving voice to what corals want to tell us about volcanic activity! Introducing Professor Tom Sheldra ...[Read More]


The world of hydrography calls for more hands on deck

The world of hydrography calls for more hands on deck

This week on 21st June, governments around the world observed World Hydrography Day to celebrate the role of hydrography in understanding the seas. Though initially thought to be a field limited to the navigation of ships, hydrography is being increasingly recognized for its knowledge contribution to the oceans, seas, coastal areas, lakes and rivers, as well as with predicting their change over ti ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

An inclusive field team is a great field team: Strategies and resources

A scheme showing the 6 aspects leading to positive and inclusive fieldwork environment, including physical and mental well-being, team values, recognising and valueing diversity, rest days, dealing with stress, communication and daily checkin.

Fieldwork is essential to polar sciences, but who are the people that actually do the fieldwork these days? A great field team includes people spanning a diversity of scientific skills, but at the same time, a diversity of cultures, backgrounds, and identities also adds intrinsic value to team dynamics and the overall field work experience. As part of the International Thwaites Glacier Collaborati ...[Read More]


Seismology Job Portal

Seismology Job Portal

On this page, we regularly update open positions in Seismology for early career scientists. Do you have a job on offer? Contact us at Please, note that other available research positions are displayed on the EGU Jobs Portal.   Latest open positions: Post-Doctoral Fellowship – Ground deformation recorded by geodetic techniques Institute: FM Global Starting: — Duration: R ...[Read More]

Natural Hazards

From compound extremes to risk perception: conversations with the EGU Natural Hazards Division 2023 Early Career Scientist Award Winner

From compound extremes to risk perception: conversations with the EGU Natural Hazards Division 2023 Early Career Scientist Award Winner

I am pleased to interview Professor Ankit Agarwal from the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee. He specialises in hydro-meteorological (compound) extremes and complex networks and has been awarded the prestigious 2023 NH Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist award. Thank you, Ankit, for your time and for talking with us about your field of research.   1. Can you tell us more about y ...[Read More]


GeoTalk: meet Freija Mendrik, researcher of microplastics pollution in coral reefs!

Freija Mendrik

Hi Freija. Thank you for joining us today! Could you tell our readers a bit about yourself before we dive in? Hi Simon, thanks for inviting me! I’m a marine scientist based in the UK specialising in microplastic pollution but my work has taken me across many different disciplines from physical geography to ecotoxicology. Recently my research has focused on trying to understand what impacts the tra ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

Did You Know That It Ain’t Easy Being Greenland?

Did You Know That It Ain’t Easy Being Greenland?

As a reader of the Cryosphere blog, you may have spent a lot of time looking at the Greenland Ice Sheet, but do you really know what Greenland looks like? This “It Ain’t Easy Being Greenland” map is something I made for fun during the #30DayMapChallenge (an international project to complete one map a day during the month of November) and highlights how different the island country appears dependin ...[Read More]