EGU Blogs

214 search results for "women in science"


#vEGU21: meet the new EGU Early Career Scientist Representatives!

#vEGU21: meet the new EGU Early Career Scientist Representatives!

Each year, at the end of the General Assembly, EGU’s volunteers who have come to the end of their terms go through the handover. This year in our Early Career Scientist (ECS) Division Representatives teams, we have nine new members (or members in a new role) joining us to start their terms volunteering to help co-ordinate their Division activities and represent the diverse Early Career resea ...[Read More]


The Sassy Scientist – A Digital Didgeridoo: Part 2

The Sassy Scientist – A Digital Didgeridoo: Part 2

After a year of being glued to screens, Matej can sadly only keep up with one tab at a time and asks with intense FOMO: What have I missed from vEGU 2021? Dear Matej, Oh, dear! This week has been truly intense, and I do not blame your Internet bandwidth for not keeping up with all the parallel discussions and science from vEGU. In fact, it turns out that on Monday the conference platform was taken ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

Introducing TJ Young, our new early-career representative for the cryo-division of the EGU!

Introducing TJ Young, our new early-career representative for the cryo-division of the EGU!

Every two years, the Cryospheric Sciences division of the European Geophysical Union (EGU) elects a new representative for its early-career scientists. Starting in April 2021, Tun Jan (TJ) Young will take over the role from Jenny Turton, who is the outgoing representative. TJ shares a bit about himself and how his previous leadership experience aligns with the goals of EGU’s early career scientist ...[Read More]


The Sassy Scientist – Will You Be My Co-PI?

The Sassy Scientist – Will You Be My Co-PI?

In the landscape of very competitive scientific funding, and with STEM research teams sometimes having more people with the name ‘Ben’ than women, Pierre asks what no one dares to even think: Can I increase the chances for my proposal getting funded if I co-write it with a woman? Dear Pierre, The funding game is one of low-odds and it seems you are looking for a loophole. No judgement ...[Read More]


Seismology Job Portal

Seismology Job Portal

On this page, we regularly update open positions in Seismology for early career scientists. Do you have a job on offer? Contact us at Please, note that other available research positions are displayed on the EGU Jobs Portal. Special Thanks to Eric Löberich for researching job postings for the ECS.

Climate: Past, Present & Future

Life of a Climate scientist presents Holly Kyeore Han

Life of a Climate scientist presents Holly Kyeore Han

About the blog series: Life of a Climate scientist Life of a Climate Scientist is a new blog series started by the EGU Climate Division. The main focus of this series is to provide a platform for climate scientists to tell their stories of life in research. We will be covering a wide-range of subjects, from their scientific endeavors and maintaining work-life balance to challenges they have faced ...[Read More]


#NominateHer – gender matters in awards and medals

#NominateHer – gender matters in awards and medals

Today is International Women’s Day around the world, a day where we celebrate the progress that women, and people across the gender spectrum, have made towards gaining equity, but also take a hard look at how we can do better to support these under-represented groups in our societal structures. For scientific organizations, one of the most visible ways that we can note both the disparity bet ...[Read More]

Soil System Sciences

The importance of our SSS (…Soil Support Staff!) #4

The importance of our SSS (…Soil Support Staff!) #4

This month, we marked International Day of Women and Girls in Science, and to continue the celebrations we are delighted to showcase the work of Lea Piscitelli in our monthly feature, Technician of the Month! Lea Piscitelli works as a research technician in the Laboratory of Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry at CIHEAM Bari in Italy.  Don’t forget that each month, we’ll spotlight a technicia ...[Read More]

Tectonics and Structural Geology

Janet Vida Watson (1 September 1923 – 29 March 1985): The woman who could translate the story of Precambrian rocks into a crystal-clear message

Janet Vida Watson (1 September 1923 – 29 March 1985): The woman who could translate the story of Precambrian rocks into a crystal-clear message

On a late summer day in September 1923, Janet Vida Watson was born. With a father working in palaeontology and a mother who did research in embryology until her marriage, Janet grew up with science all around her. She went to South Hampstead High School, known for its science teaching and continued her education in General Science at Reading University. She graduated in biology and geology in 1943 ...[Read More]


Seismology Job Portal

Seismology Job Portal

On this page, we regularly update open positions in Seismology for early career scientists. Do you have a job on offer? Contact us at Please, note that other available research positions are displayed on the EGU Jobs Portal. Special Thanks to Eric Löberich for researching job postings for the ECS.