EGU Blogs

856 search results for "early career scientists"

Energy, Resources and the Environment

Change to Early Career Scientist definition

Change to Early Career Scientist definition

Earlier this year the term Young Scientist (YS) was replaced by Early Career Scientist. Now, in a positive move, the EGU Council has approved a change to the definition of an ECS. Previously the definition of an ECS was: A scientist who is 35 years old* or younger, AND who can be an undergraduate or postgraduate (Masters/PhD) student or who has received his or her highest degree (e.g., BSc, MSc, P ...[Read More]


GeoTalk: Wouter Berghuijs, Union Level Early Career Scientist Representative

GeoTalk: Wouter Berghuijs, Union Level Early Career Scientist Representative

The EGU offers a platform for early career scientists (ECS) to become involved in interdisciplinary research in the Earth, planetary and space sciences, through sessions, social events and short courses at the annual General Assembly in April. One of the ways of ensuring that the voice of the Union’s ECS membership is heard is via the division early career scientist representatives. Feedback gathe ...[Read More]

Energy, Resources and the Environment

Funding opportunity for Early Career Researchers to attend GSA Baltimore

The Heritage Stone Task Group in southern Europe is a Task Group within the IUGS. In March, HSTG  had a proposal accepted as Project 637 of the International Geoscience Programme (IGCP 637). With this acceptance, IGCP 637 offered $US6,000 in 2015 to support conference participation. HSTG has decided that this funding should be used in 2015 to support attendance to our session in the GSA Baltimore ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

4 Reasons Why You Should Get Involved as an Early Career Scientist (& a caveat) – Allen Pope

4 Reasons Why You Should Get Involved as an Early Career Scientist (& a caveat) – Allen Pope

You’re an early career scientist (ECS), or maybe you mentor one. So you know that we ECS are busy people, with responsibilities ranging from coursework to teaching, research to outreach, and labwork to fieldwork. And now there is this listicle (no, I’m not embarrassed about choosing this format) telling you to make time in your already packed day to volunteer some of your time to a(n early career) ...[Read More]


The Young Earth Scientists Network

Are you looking to join a global network of earth scientists? The Young Earth Scientists Network (YES Network) is an association of earth-scientists who are primarily under the age of 35 years that represent geological organisations and companies from across the world. The network has been established quite recently, in 2007, and has been running annual meetings since then. Each meeting has been h ...[Read More]


Seeking young scientists! A great opportunity to get involved in the EGU

Young scientists make up a significant proportion of the EGU membership and it’s important to us that your voices get heard. One way to do this is by getting in touch with your division’s young scientist representative, or better yet, putting yourself forward as a young scientist representative for your division. Young scientist representatives are a vital link between the EGU and the young scient ...[Read More]


Resource site for young scientists launched!

Early career researchers make up a large proportion of the EGU membership and students (both graduate and undergraduate) regularly make up about a third of General Assembly participants. With so many young scientists involved in the EGU, it’s time we had something that caters for them – the young scientists’ website! The new website is a hub of information on jobs, events and resources that ...[Read More]


Events for Young Scientists at EGU 2013

Short Courses Demystifying Open Access – an open discussion for early career researchers tackling how OA can benefit young scientists without compromising their careers. From what it costs to publish an open access paper to how we can measure its impact, all interested scientists are invited to drop in and join us over drinks in a marketplace of discussion. How to apply for a job. It’s a topic rar ...[Read More]


Worried your speaking invitation is just tokenism? Here is what to do next!

Worried your speaking invitation is just tokenism? Here is what to do next!

A few years ago in my early postgraduate years, I was approached by a renowned organisation in Norway. They wanted me to speak at one of their biggest events. I was thrilled and did not even think twice before accepting the invitation. They flew me to the city where the event was held, provided me with accommodation, and during the panel discussion, I enjoyed the spotlight and indulged in those si ...[Read More]

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

NEW DATE: EGU GMPV ECS Campfires – Thursday June 27th @ 11am CEST

NEW DATE: EGU GMPV ECS Campfires – Thursday June 27th @ 11am CEST

After some technical issues with Zoom on June 13th we postponed the planned talks to next week: Thursday June 27th at 11 am CEST. This edition will be a Scientific Campfire, during which three early career scientists will present their latest work to the community.  Our speakers for this edition are:    Théo Biget PhD student @ Université Clermont Auvergne, France Title: Exploring the differe ...[Read More]