by Tom Gleeson
I started waterunderground.org a few years ago as my personal groundwater nerd blog with the odd guest post written by others. Since I love working with others, I thought it would be more fun, and more interesting for readers, to expand the number of voices regularly posting. So here is the new face of the blog…

a kind of weird image of collective action
What is the new blog all about?
Written by a global collective of hydrogeologic researchers for water resource professionals, academics and anyone interested in groundwater, research, teaching and supervision. We share the following aspirations:
- approachable groundwater science at the interface of other earth and human systems
- encourage sustainable use of groundwater that reduces poverty, social injustice and food security while maintaining the highest environmental standards
- compassionate, effective supervision
- innovative, effective teaching
- transparency of scientific methods, assumptions and data
Check out more details and how to be part of the blog on about.
Frequent contributors include:
- Andy Baker (University of New South Wales, Australia) – caves and karst (I actually visit the water underground!), climate and past climate
- Kevin Befus (University of Wyoming, United States) – groundwater-surface interactions, coastal groundwater, groundwater age
- Mark Cuthbert (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom) – groundwater recharge & discharge processes, paleo-hydrogeology, dryland hydro(geo)logy, climate-groundwater interactions
- Matt Currell (RMIT University, Australia) – isotope hydrology; groundwater quality; transient responses in aquifer systems
- Inge de Graaf (Colorado School of Mines, United States) – global groundwater withdrawal, flow and sustainability
- Grant Ferguson (University of Saskatchewan, Canada) – groundwater & energy, regional groundwater flow, sustainability
- Tom Gleeson (University of Victoria, Canada) – mega-scale groundwater systems and sustainability
- Scott Jasechko (University of Calgary, Canada) – global isotope hydrology; groundwater, precipitation, evapotranspiration
- Elco Luijendijk (University of Gottingen, Germany) – paleo-hydrogeology,deep groundwater flow,large scale groundwater systems
- Sam Zipper (University of Wisconsin – Madison, United States) – ecohydrology, agriculture, urbanization, land use change