Each month, Jesse Zondervan picks his favourite posts from geoscience and development blogs/news which cover the geology for global development interest. Here’s a round-up of Jesse’s selections for the last month:
This month Cyclone Fani hit India with full force. An effective mass evacuation resulting in the loss of no human lives is an impressive disaster management feat.
As disaster was averted in India, the Guardian published a briefing on the risk of hurricanes, and whether climate change is to blame for stronger ones. Are people adapting to these changes?
Adapting, argues Marketplace show host Molly Wood in her Wired article, isn’t surrender, it is survival. Can we afford to keep attempting to mitigate climate change if we need to adapt to the effects that are already there?
Susannah Fisher and Andrew Norton agree with Wood that adaptation is often overlooked in climate campaigns. They seek to open our eyes to the adaptation experience that the global South has to offer. Let’s put these good practices to work in Europe! they say.
More this month, better ways to stem arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh, the struggle with landslides in Rio and much more.
Go ahead and look through this month’s picks!
Cyclone Fani
Cyclone Fani hits Indian coast, a million people evacuated at Thomson Reuters Foundation
INTERVIEW – Mass texting and 50,000 volunteers – how India moved a million people to safety by Annie Banerji at Thomson Reuters Foundation
Climate Adaptation
Climate Adaptation isn’t Surrender. It’s Survival by Molly Wood at Wired
Adapting to climate change in Europe: Building a systemic and urgent vision by Susannah Fisher and Andrew Norton at EIT Climate-KIC
Cambodians try out smartphones to track – and ease – climate woes by Jeffrey Barbee at Thomson Reuters Foundation
Climate now biggest driver of migration, study finds by Inga Vesper at SciDevNet
Climate Change
Are hurricanes getting stronger – and is the climate crisis to blame? By Oliver Milman at the Guardian
Lake sediment records reveal recent floods in NW England (UK) unprecedented at ScienceDaily
Climatologist Testifies to Senate Subcommittee Regarding Costs of Extreme Weather by Marie Denoia Aronsohn at State of the Planet
Disaster Risk Reduction
As climate shifts bring ‘horror movie’ floods, Rio struggles to adjust by Karla Mendes & Gregory Scruggs at Thomson Reuters Foundation
China eyes earthquake warning and prediction technology by Chen Xi at Global Times
Sharing Data Helps Puerto Ricans Rebound After Hurricane Maria at Eos Earth & Space News
Ritter Island gives new insights into the dynamics of volcanic landslides at ScienceDaily
Integrated urban flood risk management: Learning from the Japanese experience by Jolanta Kryspin-Watson & Jia Wen Hoe
Geology for Development
Study Identifies Better, Cheaper Ways to Stem Arsenic Poisoning in Bangladesh by Sarah Fecht at State of the Planet
Check back next month for more picks!
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