
29 search results for "under-represented"

Hydrological Sciences

History of Hydrology@EGU2025 and beyond

History of Hydrology@EGU2025 and beyond

You are certainly aware of the continued efforts of a group of hydrologists, with the lead of Keith Beven, to shed light on the history of hydrology, including the History of Hydrology Wiki . Looking back to those who shaped our science, the questions they addressed and those that remain open is essential to understand the role of hydrology in earth system sciences, in the development of field res ...[Read More]


Marine Geoscience through art and storytelling: An interview with Fergus McAuliffe, winner of the EGU Geoscience Day Award

Marine Geoscience through art and storytelling: An interview with Fergus McAuliffe, winner of the EGU Geoscience Day Award

I had the pleasure of interviewing Fergus McAuliffe, the Communications and Public Engagement Manager at iCRAG, University College Dublin in Ireland, to discuss his award-winning project, “Marine Geoscience for All.” During our conversation, Fergus shed light on the innovative ways his project aims to connect the public with marine geoscience through art, dialogue, storytelling, and education. Rea ...[Read More]


Worried your speaking invitation is just tokenism? Here is what to do next!

Worried your speaking invitation is just tokenism? Here is what to do next!

A few years ago in my early postgraduate years, I was approached by a renowned organisation in Norway. They wanted me to speak at one of their biggest events. I was thrilled and did not even think twice before accepting the invitation. They flew me to the city where the event was held, provided me with accommodation, and during the panel discussion, I enjoyed the spotlight and indulged in those si ...[Read More]


EGU’s Pride: Insights into our EDI’s committee’s initiatives

EGU’s Pride: Insights into our EDI’s committee’s initiatives

The Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) is dedicated to promoting a vision of equality, diversity, and inclusion through an integrated, coordinated, and constructive approach. Their mission includes raising awareness of EDI values within the scientific community, organizing sessions and meetings focused on EDI issues, representing EGU in relev ...[Read More]


Find your scientists: how to network at EGU24

Find your scientists: how to network at EGU24

The General Assembly is the nucleus around which EGU’s community gathers and connects, providing a week of opportunity to meet new people and reaffirm old bonds. Progress within science and its impact on society rises from the confluence of ideas and a diversity of voices; to facilitate meeting and discussion at the Assembly, #EGU24 offers a number of paths for building your network. Network ...[Read More]


An end to the ‘manel’? 3 things you can do to help reduce the existence of all-male-panels.

An end to the ‘manel’? 3 things you can do to help reduce the existence of all-male-panels.

I am pretty sure that everyone has had this experience at one time or another. You attend a meeting or conference and, despite the diversity of people in the audience, the people on the podium invited to speak are uniformly men. If you come from the same part of the world as I do (Western Europe) this experience can also probably be extended to the panel only being white, often native English spea ...[Read More]

Nonlinear Processes in Geosciences

Interviews with Women in Nonlinear Processes in Geosciences: Exploring Inspiration and Challenges

Interviews with Women in Nonlinear Processes in Geosciences: Exploring Inspiration and Challenges

In celebration of Women in Science day, we delve into the experiences and insights of five accomplished women scientists in the field of Nonlinear Processes in Geosciences: Prof. Bérengère Dubrulle, Dr. Vera Melinda Galfi, Dr. Giorgia di Capua, Dr. Meriem Krouma, and Anupama K Xavier. Through a series of interviews, these women share their journeys, addressing challenges faced as women in science, ...[Read More]


The Global South Climate Database: one thousand experts in one year!

The Global South Climate Database: one thousand experts in one year!

Climate change is one of the most urgent problems facing humanity today. Every corner of the planet is already feeling the impacts of climate change, from devastating heatwaves to sweeping floods. The wealthy and powerful are responsible for the lion’s share of greenhouse gas emissions. Yet, the impacts of climate change are disproportionately felt by the poorest and most vulnerable members ...[Read More]


Women in Geodesy: Kristel Chanard

Women in Geodesy: Kristel Chanard

I hope you are ready to be inspired because we have another exciting interview, with Kristel Chanard, our Outstanding Early Career Scientist Awardee of 2022. I promise that her answers will encourage you to pursue a career in science or continue to that!  Her answers remind us again that we need to make geosciences more inclusive and diverse. So, let’s leave the spotlight to Kristel and hear what ...[Read More]


Support inclusive geosciences by taking this workplace survey today!

Support inclusive geosciences by taking this workplace survey today!

By Andrea L. Popp, Anouk Beniest, Anita Di Chiara, Derya Gürer, Elenora van Rijsingen, Mengze Li and Simone Pieber. The geoscience community has long been recognized as one of the least diverse scientific fields. However, the extent to which this homogeneity affects workplace climate, particularly for under-represented groups, remains unclear (Berhe et al., 2022; Popp et al., 2019). Documented ins ...[Read More]