This year marks the 100th anniversary of Milutin Milankovitch’s first paper about Earth’s climate. Milankovitch argued that the amount of solar radiation Earth receives, and hence its climate, varies cyclically as its orbit changes due to gravitational tugs from the other planets. His climate theory fell into disrepute during the 1950’s but was rehabilitated in the 1970’s. Today, many peopl ...[Read More]
Imaggeo On Monday: Erosion and suspension

This image shows bottomset beds from the Kerinitis Gilbert-type delta. The Pleistocene delta uplifts along the active southern margin of the Corinth rift in Greece. A bottomset bed is one where layers of sedimentary material lying along the bottom of a body of water near the point of entry of a stream are subsequently covered by foreset and topset beds in the formation of a delta. Thus in this ima ...[Read More]
Imaggeo On Monday: Micro and Nano composition

This image shows benthic foraminifera species of Favulina hexagona (Williamson, 1848) together with nanofossils enclosed inside the shell hexagons. This modern foraminifera species was found in the sediment core retrieved from the western slope of the Rio Grande Rise (western South Atlantic). Description by Liubov Kuleshova, after the description on Imaggeo is the EGU ...[Read More]
Imaggeo On Monday: Crete- Diplono Petris (Διπλόνο Πέτρις)

Diplono Petris near Agios Pavlos in the south of Crete island is one of Europe’s most impressive folded rock formations. The rock strata document an alternation of different limestone layers in the pindos top of the Cretan ceiling pile. These sediments, once deposited in a deeper ocean basin of the Pindos Ocean, were deformed in the course of Alpine fold tectonics, triggered by the Northern ...[Read More]