
Regular Features

LGBTQIA+ in the field

LGBTQIA+ in the field

As a part of any field-based science work, whether it be as an individual scientist, research team or with students, we must first conduct a risk assessment. This often focuses on the physical dangers that you, your colleagues or students may encounter whilst working in stressful and sometimes unfamiliar environments. More recently, field-based risk assessments for physical/environmental scientist ...[Read More]

Imaggeo On Mondays: Natural Arch

Imaggeo On Mondays: Natural Arch

This natural arch named Pirulico’s tower is located in Mojácar, situated in the south east of the Province of Almería (Andalucia) in southern Spain. A natural arch, natural bridge or, less commonly, a rock arch is a natural rock formation where a rock arch forms, with an opening underneath.   Most natural arches form as a narrow bridge, walled by cliffs, become narrower from erosion, wi ...[Read More]

Imaggeo On Mondays: “The most valuable thing we extract from the ocean is our existence” Dr Sylvia Earle

Imaggeo On Mondays: “The most valuable thing we extract from the ocean is our existence” Dr Sylvia Earle

Marine plastic is just one of the many challenges facing the future of our oceans. For many years researchers have been attempting to understand this problem, but it can be surprising to learn how many things are still unknown, even in oceans we may think of as being familiar. The Mediterranean Sea is one such place, where this photograph was taken by David Jones just off the coast of Malta.   ...[Read More]

Imaggeo on Mondays: The Grid – A serpentine pseudomorph after carbonate

Imaggeo on Mondays: The Grid – A serpentine pseudomorph after carbonate

The structures in this photo might look three-dimensional, but they are completely flat. It is a photo of a polished thinsection of a rock, taken through a petrographic microscope under cross-polarized light. The width of the image is just 2 mm. The brownish mineral around the edges is carbonate, the white to grey mineral in the centre is serpentine, a water-bearing silicate mineral. The different ...[Read More]