As a part of any field-based science work, whether it be as an individual scientist, research team or with students, we must first conduct a risk assessment. This often focuses on the physical dangers that you, your colleagues or students may encounter whilst working in stressful and sometimes unfamiliar environments. More recently, field-based risk assessments for physical/environmental scientist ...[Read More]
GeoPolicy: Getting involved with science for policy during #shareEGU20!
This year, EGU’s science-policy related sessions will be run a little bit differently! In case you haven’t already heard, EGU will be hosting EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online (#shareEGU20) from 4-8 May 2020 in place of the physical General Assembly. While this fully online event is in response to the COVID-19 crisis, it is also an opportunity to experiment with online networking and ...[Read More]
#shareEGU20: publication and copyright
Several questions have come up recently about uploading materials to #shareEGU20 and what that means in terms of copyright protections and publication. So we have decided to address two of the biggest questions here: Will sharing my content on #shareEGU20 affect my chance of publishing it later? Short answer: No, it shouldn’t. Long answer: it depends on where you plan on publishing, as some ...[Read More]
#shareEGU20: Top 10 tips for promoting good online engagement for conveners
So, you’ve taken the plunge – you have decided to upload your materials as an author, or committed to hosting your session with your fellow conveners, or perhaps started to add sessions to your personal programme as a participant. What comes next? Interacting with other researchers using one of our new platforms! During the next two weeks we will post more information about what those platforms wi ...[Read More]