
General Assembly

Imaggeo On Monday: the EGU Photo Competition – stunning natural phenomena

Imaggeo On Monday: the EGU Photo Competition – stunning natural phenomena

In 2010 EGU held our first annual Photo Competition at the General Assembly in Vienna. Since then hundreds of photos have been shared on imaggeo by geoscientists and researchers just like you, with a lucky few being selected each year to be highlighted during the meeting and voted on by our members.   These images can be of anything to do with geology or geoscience – we get many beautif ...[Read More]

Sign up for EGU’s Mentoring Program: here’s why!

Sign up for EGU’s Mentoring Program: here’s why!

You have been matched! I take a deep breath and click to open the message. Two women from Iran, a Master and a PhD student. Their research interests match mine: geohazards, geomorphology and modeling. I’m filled with pure joy. Being an Iranian woman myself, doing science outside of Iran for over two decades, I feel I am finally returning home. Carrying a backpack filled with knowledge and experien ...[Read More]

Imaggeo On Monday: the EGU Photo Competition – dynamic geoscience

Imaggeo On Monday: the EGU Photo Competition – dynamic geoscience

In 2010 EGU held our first annual Photo Competition at the General Assembly in Vienna. Since then hundreds of photos have been shared on imaggeo by geoscientists and researchers just like you, with a lucky few being selected each year to be highlighted during the meeting and voted on by our members.   These images can be of anything to do with geology or geoscience – we get many beautif ...[Read More]

Tectonics on Ice…. learning about Jupiter’s Icy Moons and the JUICE mission.

Tectonics on Ice…. learning about Jupiter’s Icy Moons and the JUICE mission.

In April this year a new mission is being launched by the European Space Agency, called JUICE, which stands for the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer. This mission aims to make detailed observations of the giant gas planet Jupiter and its three large ocean-bearing moons – Ganymede, Callisto and Europa – with a suite of remote sensing, geophysical and in situ instruments. But beyond the excitement of a ne ...[Read More]