

Imaggeo On Monday: Welcome aboard Planet Earth

Imaggeo On Monday: Welcome aboard Planet Earth

The large suspended globe in the foreground and a suspended pathway in the background. The composition gives an impression that the museum visitors are entering into the Earth, perhaps even boarding an Earthly spaceship. Photo taken at Miraikan – the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation in Tokyo, Japan. At the moment the photo was taken the projection shows a satellite image of ...[Read More]

GeoTalk: Philippe Courtial, Executive Secretary, reflects on 20 years of EGU!

GeoTalk: Philippe Courtial, Executive Secretary, reflects on 20 years of EGU!

Hi Philippe, could you please introduce yourself and your role for our readers? Thank you for inviting me today to provide this contribution as part of this celebration of the EGU 20th anniversary. Being fascinated by the geological features and the beauty of the minerals since my early age, I had the opportunity to study Geology. I completed my PhD at the Institut de Physique du Globe in Paris on ...[Read More]

What is the EGU (extraordinary virtual) Plenary, and why should I attend?

What is the EGU (extraordinary virtual) Plenary, and why should I attend?

The European Geosciences Union (EGU) annual Plenary is the Union’s business meeting where updates are provided and new officers are inaugurated. Prior to 2020, this meeting took place during the General Assembly (GA) week every year. With the onset of COVID-19 and the change in conference format, the last few years have seen the plenary move online. At this year’s General Assembly (EGU22), t ...[Read More]

GeoPolicy: How a professional YouTuber inspired a science-policy debate in Europe

GeoPolicy: How a professional YouTuber inspired a science-policy debate in Europe

  I recently had the opportunity to talk with Joachim Allgaier, Professor for Communication and Digital Society at the Fulda University of Applied Sciences in Germany, about how video platforms such as YouTube support science communication and influence political decisions. This month’s GeoPolicy blog post explores some of the benefits of having an accessible online source of information and ...[Read More]