The EGU24 Programme is online and hopefully by now you have found your abstract or session, so what do you do next?! This year’s scientific programme of the General Assemby includes Union-wide Sessions, such as the medal lectures, great debates, union symposia, short courses, education and outreach sessions, as well as townhall and splinter meetings, just to name a few. The Disciplinary Sessions a ...[Read More]
An end to the ‘manel’? 3 things you can do to help reduce the existence of all-male-panels.
I am pretty sure that everyone has had this experience at one time or another. You attend a meeting or conference and, despite the diversity of people in the audience, the people on the podium invited to speak are uniformly men. If you come from the same part of the world as I do (Western Europe) this experience can also probably be extended to the panel only being white, often native English spea ...[Read More]
Three peer review myths debunked by the First EGU Peer Review Training
In 2023, EGU offered Peer Review Training for the first time, over three virtual sessions in September and October 2023, with a little homework in between. With more than 100 applications, from which we chose 57, mostly Early Career Scientists (ECS) to fill the available places, the desire for this kind of training in the EGU community was clear. About 80% of the participants completed the trainin ...[Read More]
Mind Your Head: How to have a mindful December and holiday season

It’s December and the Life-Work-Balance group is recalling the “Mind Your Head” blog posts, a blogpost series which started in May 2018. We invite you to join our journey through 11 inspiring blog posts and five simple activities to foster our life-work-balance, revive knowledge and find new inspiration during this holiday season. A word at the beginning: perhaps your current life and daily routin ...[Read More]