We hope you are having a good week at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011. Union wide events today include:
13:30–15:00 Union Masterclass: What are the unresolved questions and future perspectives for palaeoclimate research? An EGU Masterclass by André Berger and Wolfgang H. Berger, Room D [Webstream]
Climate research has never received so much attention as during these days. People are concerned about the future of our planet. Global Change is an important item on the political agenda. Stakeholders, politicians and the general public have a great need to get informed about the consequences of the continously rising CO2 level in the atmosphere. Scientists try to better understand the processes taking place right now to help giving answers to the burning question: What will happen to our ‘Planet under pressure’? During this masterclass, two pioneers with together nearly 100 years of experience in Palaeo-climate research, Prof. Dr. André Berger and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Berger will exchange their thoughts and ideas to the question: What are the unknowns of the natural variability of past climates?
For more information please see the Session Details.
17:30–20:00 EGU Award Ceremony, Room D [Webstream]
Please join us as the winners of Union awards are honoured. This is a new event at the EGU General Assembly this year. For more information please see the Session Details.
Townhall Meeting
19:00–20:00 EPOS status information meeting, Room 4.