Early Career Scientists (ECS) are students, PhD candidates and scientists who received their highest degree within the last seven years (with extensions for parenting, illness, disability and national service). We make up over 60% of the EGU membership and we are active in research, science communication, publishing, Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) initiatives, networking, convening and making EGU a community.
With over 20,000 EGU members, ECS may find that getting their opinions and initiatives heard by the EGU officers can be difficult. But ECS Representatives are here for you to facilitate communication between the EGU decision-makers and the ECS!
Who are we?
Each EGU scientific division has at least one ECS Representative, and some divisions also have co-representatives or a three-member team of ECS Representatives. Check this link to find yours: https://www.egu.eu/ecs/representatives/. Division-centred representatives are coordinated by two division-independent ECS Representatives that act at an Union-wide level (the Deputy and Union-Level Representatives). Aside from ECS Representative coordination, they present proposals to the EGU Council and provide updates on ECS activities and wishes. Moreover, the Union-Level Representative sits in at EGU Council meetings.
There are other volunteers who are part of the ECS team of each scientific division. They are coordinated by the ECS Representative (or team) of the division and play a relevant role, acting as blog writers and editors, social media managers, event organisers and more! You can get involved with the EGU through these and other ECS initiatives. Reach out to your division ECS Representative, the Union-Level and Deputy Representatives or the EGU office to show your interest and discuss your involvement (https://www.egu.eu/ecs/get-involved/)!

Short courses are regularly organised by the ECS Representatives and are very popular. Topics include career options, skill development and networking.
What do we do?
Primarily, ECS Representatives are the main communication channel between the EGU Council (EGU decision-makers) and ECS members of the organisation. We communicate with ECS members via social media, a forum at the General Assembly, and mailing lists, and we are working to further open other communication venues. We see what issues or initiatives the ECS members want to address, and submit proposals to the EGU Council requesting action and change on the most pressing matters. We also share information about changes within EGU to its members (through blogs, social media, newsletters and the forum), while driving positive change within EGU. This benefits the organisation and ALL EGU members.
ECS Representatives formed a number of Working Groups (WG) that work through the year on matters that focus on: 1) Career and jobs development; 2) Life-work balance; 3) Connectivity and visibility, 4) LGBTQ+, and 5) Medals and awards. Through these WG, we have organised short courses, pop-up events, engaged with the EGU committees (e.g Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, EDI), created and shared resources, provided input to the mentoring scheme, highlighted ECS awards, and enhanced communication within the EGU structure.
Whilst some of the initiatives we develop are suggested by and for the ECS members, most of our activities and suggestions are for the benefit of the wider EGU membership.

The ECS are involved in many aspects of the General Assembly and Year-Round events, which is a benefit for all of EGU members.
Do you think there is something else we can do to ensure that the voices of ECS within EGU are heard? Then why not contact us or join us! We look forward to hearing from you!
This blog was written by Jenny Turton (Union-Level ECS Representative) and David Fernández-Blanco (Deputy Union-Level ECS Representative).