TUBITAK National Observatory (TUG) is located at an altitude of 2500 m, on the top of Bakirlitepe mountain in Saklikent region of the city of Antalya which is located on the Mediterranian coast of Turkey. Besides research and training activities, TUG feels the responsibility of creating awareness in astronomy and space sciences. In this context, TUG regularly organizes a yearly star fest at Saklikent/Antalya, and gives service to students and public twice in a week throughout the year at the community center near the administration building in Antalya. I have taken this photo one of those star fests. With between 100 and 400 billions stars in the Milky Way Galaxy, and enough interstellar dust to make 100 billion more, we’re not likely to run out of stars any time soon.
Photo by Tuğba Bozdoğan, description as shown on imaggeo.egu.eu.
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