The photo was taken from the International Space Station (ISS), approx. 400 km above the Earth, in the educational project administered by NASA: Sally Ride EarthKAM, Mission 59, November 2017. The image was requested by a team of students from my college, coordinated by me. Even though we weren’t there, on ISS, to trigger the camera, all the locations in which the photographs were taken are chosen by us, on the track of the ISS.
The lenses used on the digital camera mounted on the ISS are 180 mm focal length. The area photographed is a region of 56.53 km wide and approx. 37.69 km long, from the Northern part of Australia, Oceania. From the ISS altitude, the the swampy region looks like a watercolor painting in modern and cool colors. Satellite photography offered to my students a new world perspective, encouraging them to ask questions and to search for the answers. It is a new way to travel and to discover the world around us in an innovative and exciting way.
Description by Diana Bejan, as it first appeared on imaggeo.egu.eu.
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Love today’s image! Thanks.