The EGU Kids Art activity normally happens in person in the creche at the conference centre during the general assembly (GA). We decided at the GA last year that the theme would be Volcanic Paint! Maike and I decided to move the activity online to hopefully bring a smile to a few of your faces – I know it has been bringing a smile to my face every day for the last week or so. We wanted to share as many of the volcanic contributions that have come in via social media and email here – apologies if we’ve missed yours here – they were all wonderful!
I really want to thank the GMPV social media team for helping to share the activity and the contributions: Frances Deegan (on Twitter); Giulia Consuma (on Facebook) and Ela Bunga Naen (on Instagram) – they’ve done a great job and this wouldn’t have happened without them!
In no particular order – here are as many of the entries we could manage for the #shareEGUartKIDS gallery this year.