The EGU General Assembly, officially starting on Sunday 7 April, will bring together around 14,000 attendees to Vienna, but it won’t be the biggest meet-up in the city that day.
This year, not only are we expecting Earth, space and planetary scientists to descend on the city for EGU 2019, but also more than 40,000 people will participate in the Vienna City Marathon on Sunday morning.
Are you a General Assembly attendee planning on running the full, half or relay marathon? Here’s your chance to meet some other participants racing on Sunday! This year, EGU is hosting a brief marathon runners’ meet-up before the race begins. At the meet-up you’ll have the opportunity to get to know other Earth, planetary, and space scientists running in the event and be part of a group photo to be posted on EGU’s social media channels.
Then, as you power through the kilometres on the streets of Vienna, you’ll have the support of a scientific running community!
Interested runners should meet on the day of the race at 8:15 in front of the Austria Center Vienna (ACV), which is located next to the station “Kaisermühlen/Vienna Int. Centre” of the metro U1 (Metro Plan, PDF). The ACV is only a 5-10 minute walk from the Vienna full, half and relay marathon starting line. See you there!
The EGU General Assembly will take place from 07 to 12 April 2019 in Vienna, Austria. For the full session programme and more information on the General Assembly, see the EGU 2019 website and follow us on Twitter (#EGU19 is the official conference hashtag) and Facebook.