This year there is a suite of super short courses to choose from at the General Assembly. You can supercharge your scientific skills, broaden your base in science communication and pick up tips on how to boost your career – be it in academia or outside. Here’s what’s in store at EGU 2014:
Supercharge your science – new techniques and dealing with data
- Scale, scaling and multifractals in complex geosystems (SC1/NP3.12)
- How to write (and publish) a scientific paper in hydrology (SC3/HS11.2)
- Short course on earthquake early warning: approaches, methodologies and case studies (SC4/SM3.3)
- Complex systems methods for data analysis and modelling in geosciences (SC5/GI1.11/NP1.5)
- Forecasting natural hazards: methods, limits and Perspectives (SC14/NH10.1)
- Introductory time-series analysis: how to apply and interpret the fast fourier transform (SC15/NH10.2)
- Short course on new developments in ore deposit geochemistry (SC16/GMPV43.1)
- Geomorphology workshops for young scientists: pitfalls, statistical and otherwise, in analysis of environmental data (GM11.2/SC18)
- Workshop on methods and techniques to study permafrost in a climate change scenario (SSS0.17/SC19)
- Short course on soil water measurements (SSS7.21/SC20)
- Short course on forest fire effects on soil properties (SSS10.11/SC21)

Dealing with data. (Credit: OpenLearn LabSpace)
Tips and tricks to boost your career
- Meet the expert in hydrology – how young scientists can contribute to ‘Hydrology in a changing world’ (SC2/HS11.1)
- Finding funding: how to apply for a research grant (SC6/EOS18)
- Meet the masters in geoscience (SC7/EOS19)
- Enhancing your career prospects – part 1: adding value to your research Experience (SC11/EOS23)
- Enhancing your career prospects – part 2: marketing yourself in job applications and interviews (SC12/EOS24)
- Geomorphology workshops for young scientists: meet the master (SC17/GM11.1)

Looking for your next position? Pick up some skills at the EGU 2014 careers courses. (Source)
Science communication skills
- School outreach: a practical guide (SC8/EOS20)
- Scientists must film! Filmmaker & storyteller workshop (SC9/EOS21)
- Science communication workshop (SC10/EOS22)
The EGU General Assembly is taking place in Vienna, Austria from 27 April to 2 May. Check out the full session programme on the General Assembly website.