Tectonics and Structural Geology


Mind your Head: An introduction to Workplace Bullying in Academia

Mind your Head: An introduction to Workplace Bullying in Academia

Understanding workplace aggression is a complex matter, and many questions arise when trying to tackle the issue. For instance, which acts and behaviours classify as workplace aggression, and when does something become workplace bullying or mobbing? How can you recognize if you or a co-worker/friend are the target of workplace aggression? How can you protect yourself and/or support others? What ca ...[Read More]

Mind your head: Overcoming Anxiety

Mind your head: Overcoming Anxiety

This Mind Your Head blog post is a follow-up from Jean Holloway’s talk during the online short course on mental health that aired during the last EGU General Assembly, where she discussed overcoming anxiety. Anxiety is excessive worry or fear, and is a normal part of life, until it becomes frequent or debilitating. This post is written by someone with lived experience as an academic who struggled ...[Read More]

Mind your head: The Imposter Syndrome

Mind your head: The Imposter Syndrome

This Mind Your Head blog post is a follow-up from one of the talks during the online short course on mental health that aired during the last EGU General Assembly. Imposter syndrome is about the feeling of being afraid to be found to be an imposter.  Note that I do not claim to be an expert; in the following, I simply list a few tricks that help me, and people I have talked to, to find their way i ...[Read More]