Solar-Terrestrial Sciences

Solar-Terrestrial Sciences

Events organised by the ST-ECS Team during EGU23

The General Assembly is around the corner, and we would like to advertise the events the early-career scientist (ECS) Team of our Division have been preparing to create networking opportunities for ECSs. Joint picnic for ST/PS/AS/EMRP ECSs (in-person only) When? Monday 24 April, 12:30–13:45 CEST Where? Meeting near the main entrance of the Austrian Center Vienna (ACV), before heading out to the Do ...[Read More]

Employing J burst observations made by LOFAR to determine the properties of large coronal loops

Employing J burst observations made by LOFAR to determine the properties of large coronal loops

Large coronal loops around one solar radius in altitude are an important connection between the solar wind and the low solar corona. However, their plasma properties are not well studied, as standard X-ray and UV techniques are not suited to these low-density environments. How does temperature, pressure, and magnetic field strength evolve along these loops? Observable structures in radio emission ...[Read More]

ST-ECS Networking Campfire: How to select collaborators or your future research group?

ST-ECS Networking Campfire: How to select collaborators or your future research group?

Whether you are about to start working on your thesis, or you are ready to join a new research group, deciding which PI and which group to join is not something to be taken lightly. One first has to go through the process of understanding their goals and wishes, what the PI/group can offer, and whether they will fit in. The Early Career Scientists (ECS) team of the Solar-Terrestrial (ST) division ...[Read More]

The impacts of space weather on the mid-latitude upper atmosphere

The upper atmosphere of Earth is constantly being impacted by the flow of charged particles being released from the sun. This flow (the solar wind) carries with it a magnetic field which distorts and reshapes that of Earth, ultimately resulting in a large amount of electromagnetic space weather energy being channelled into the polar regions. One of the most frequently observed outcomes of this pro ...[Read More]

Meet the Early Career Scientists team of our division!

Hi, this is your ST-ECS team. We are a group of Early Career Scientists (ECSs) of the Solar-Terrestrial (ST) division, and we enjoy organizing events and activities with and for ST-ECS, both during the EGU General Assembly and throughout the year. Our aim is to increase the visibility of ECSs and provide you with opportunities for networking. Currently the team is formed by: Dr. Maxime Grandin Max ...[Read More]

Events organised by the ST Early-Career Scientist (ECS) Team during EGU22: We would like your feedback!

Now that EGU22 is over, it is time to gather some feedback! While you can provide your comments and suggestions on the General Assembly as a whole via the dedicated form available through the EGU22 website (see “Feedback” tab in, the ST Division’s Early-Career Scientist (ECS) Team would very much appreciate getting feedback on the various events they have o ...[Read More]

Reflection after the investigation of the direct First Parker Solar Probe Observation of the Interaction of Two Successive ICMEs

In Heliophysics there is a scarcity of in-situ buoys that allows us to monitor and track the solar wind changes in our Sun’s atmosphere, the heliosphere. NASA’s Parker Solar Probe (PSP) mission is one of those buoys that, together with Solar Orbiter (SolO, ESA/NASA Collaboration), is bringing a breath of fresh air in the effort to fully characterize the solar wind and study the evolution of the em ...[Read More]

Resolving the very fine details of the Sun in low frequency radio

Radio images of the Sun taken by a range of radio observatories at different frequencies.

The Sun is an active radio emitter, it produces radio emissions in a wide frequency range from kHz to THz. The solar atmosphere has a complex distribution of magnetic field, plasma density, and temperature. These different properties of the solar atmosphere will result in different radio emission features at different frequencies. In principle, the plasma density decreases with the heliocentric di ...[Read More]

Initiation and Heliospheric Evolution of a stealthy solar eruption

A schematic of the ICME flux rope cross-section and the large-scale magnetic structure draping about the ICME obtained based on the PSP observation.

In the early 1970s, when Coronal mass ejections (CMEs), massive eruptions of magnetized solar plasma into interplanetary space, were first discovered, they were assumed to be always associated with the energetic solar phenomenon like solar flares, prominences, etc. With improved coronagraphic and multi-wavelength observational instruments, a class of CMEs emerging from the streamers was found and ...[Read More]

Events organised by the ST ECS Team during EGU22

A poster giving the details of the meet the experts event at EGU22

Not long until we all gather again virtually or in-person for the EGU 2022 General Assembly, and the Solar-Terrestrial physics (ST) Division’s Early-Career Scientists (ECS) Team is organising several events, which you might want to add to your personal programme!  SC4.12 – Meet the Experts: The Future of Solar–Terrestrial Sciences Thursday, 26 May, 17:00–18:00 CEST (UTC+2)Hybrid format: room -2.61 ...[Read More]