Interested in the most relevant soil articles of 2015? In this short series of posts I’ve compiled a list of the 30 most cited articles of the top ten journals in the category of SOIL SCIENCES. Today: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE.
TOP-30 papers in the TOP-10 journals of the SOIL SCIENCES category (II): SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
Interested in the most relevant soil articles of 2015? In this short series of posts I’ve compiled a list of the 30 most cited articles of the top ten journals in the category of SOIL SCIENCES. Today: SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY.
TOP-30 papers in the TOP-10 journals of the SOIL SCIENCES category (I): LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT
Interested in the most relevant soil articles of 2015? In this short series of posts I’ve compiled a list of the 30 most cited articles of the top ten journals in the category of SOIL SCIENCES. Today: LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT.
Monday paper: The challenge and future of rocky desertification control in karst areas in southwest China

Zhang, J. Y., Dai, M. H., Wang, L. C., Zeng, C. F., and Su, W. C. 2016. The challenge and future of rocky desertification control in karst areas in southwest China. Solid Earth, 7:83-91, DOI:10.5194/se-7-83-2016, 2016. Karst ecosystems in China are one of the main objectives of desertification control, since its conservation is important for economic and social development, especially of th ...[Read More]