Soil System Science Division Blog
Welcome to the blog of the Soil System Sciences (SSS) Division of the European Geosciences Union (EGU).
Soils are key to the functioning of the Earth system and provide the food and fibre supply for humankind. The importance of soils to both people and the environment makes soil scientists and their research fundamental to society. Here, we bring soil science into the public eye, detailing the latest research in the field, straight from the scientists!
The aim of the SSS blog is to:
- Promote SSS-EGU activities.
- Promote communication and scientific interchange among world-wide soil scientists.
- Provide a forum for dissemination of information and soil-related activities.
We are looking for guest authors, editors and proofreaders. Get in touch! Just contact us: Layla San Emeterio ( and Olga Vindušková (
The editors
Layla San Emeterio 
Layla is a PhD student at the Institute for Natural Resources and Agrobiology of Seville, Spain (Spanish National Research Council; IRNAS-CSIC). Her research focuses on soil organic matter carbon turnover rates in representative Mediterranean soils from southern Spain. Since 2019, she is currently one of the blog editors of the EGU Soil Science System Division Blog and also collaborates actively with social media outreach.
Olga Vindušková
Olga is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Antwerp. Her research interests lie primarily in the areas of soil biogeochemistry, soil formation and restoration ecology. Under EGU Soil System Science Division, Olga is the Secretary for News and Outreach, webmaster and one of the blog editors.
The Soil System Sciences Division
The Soil System Sciences (SSS) Division of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) coordinates the scientific programme on Soil Science and related activities. It contributes actively with EGU by promoting scientific interchange and dissemination of activity carried out by members.
The European Geosciences Union (EGU) is the leading organisation for Earth, planetary and space science research in Europe. With partner organisations worldwide, EGU fosters fundamental geoscience research, alongside applied research that addresses key societal and environmental challenges. EGU’s vision is to realise a sustainable and just future for humanity and for the planet.
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The opinions expressed in the blog are those of the authors, whose views may differ from those of the European Geosciences Union.